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Asymmetrical Commercial Stores Challenge!

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With space colonies popping up on planets and moons across the system, more resident kerbals begin to live their lives on off-world colonies. But if you aren’t a scientist, the local geology of the mun may not be much interest to you. You want adventure, fun, and most importantly, SHOPPING!

The commercial empires of Kerbin have heard your cries and are here to say goodbye to those boring “symmetrical†homes, power plants, and mining rigs, and are welcome you to say hello to unique looking shops and service centers! (please note, kerbal corporations would never say your homes are boring…not to your face anyway)

The Asymmetrical Commercial Stores Challenge!


Design an asymmetrical structure to bring various goods and services to a space colony. (cannot have any lines of symmetry on the final product)

The Building should be visually appealing, you represent a corporation trying to make sales after all. Engines and fuel pods should be slim, hidden, integrated in to the visual design, or jettisoned upon landing. No one wants a wobbly skycrane hanging over the front door.

Building can have attachment points but must be landed as a single piece (symmetrical pods docked together in an asymmetrical fashion don’t count, but sprawling shopping malls of multiple buildings connected, or connecting your store to an established colony are fine)

Must be landed on a foreign body (anywhere but Kerbin).

Shops should be easily accessible to resident Kerbals (doors, ladders, and the like, without having to climb, fly, or drive an extreme distance).

Mechjeb or Kerbal engineer should be used to show the weight of the landed building for scoring.

Crew manifest should be used to show the maximum capacity of any non-stock parts

Mods are allowed, but stock buildings will be scored separately. Mechjeb and Engineering tools like protractor will not count as mods for the purpose of scoring.

Hooligan Labs airships parts may not be used as part of the landing vessel, but may be inflated after landing if you wish to have a hovering shop (still must be easily accessible, kerbals don’t want to climb 200ft ladders just to get a sammich).*

To be counted as scoring, you must take at least one picture of your lander in orbit, and one of your building successfully landed on the surface of a foreign body, showing the final deployed weight.

Base Scoring:

Weight of Landed store: Each ton of landed weight is worth 5 points (after removal of any detachable landing apparatus). You may take your final landed weight, times 5, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Maximum Capacity: 1pt for each kerbal able to fit in the store (judged using the crew manifest mod)

Solar Body Landing Bonus:

Mun: 10 pts

Minmus: 15 pts

Eve: 30 pts

Gilly: 40 pts

Duna: 35 pts

Ike: 45 pts

Dres: 60 pts

Jool*: 70 pts

Laythe: 90 pts

Vall: 80 pts

Bop: 75 pts

Pol: 75 pts

Tylo: 100 pts

Moho: 90 pts

Eeloo: 120 pts

* - Jool colonies will not be penalized for using hooligans labs airships to land as it is nearly a requirement to colonize there.

Scoring Bonuses:

It’s all in the name: Name your store something catchy: (5pts)

More than just a name: Write a brief corporate description of your store, what it has to offer, funny gags, etc. (10 pts)

Looks about right: Architectural elements of the store at least remotely have something to do with your name (can include a sign, or batteries all over one wall for a battery hut, lots of flexibility here, be creative!): (25 pts)

If you build it they will come: Land your shop in an uncolonized area: (15 pts)

Repeat customers only: Land in visual distance (1k or less) of a colony of 5 or fewer kerbals: (30 pts)

The local store: Land in visual distance of a colony of 20 or fewer kerbals (50 pts)

Only in the city: Land in visual distance of a colony of 20+ kerbals (75 pts)

Tipping the scales: Center of mass is way off center (VAB picture minus any landing equipment that will be jettisoned “way off†is defined as the mass ball being more than just a hair off center. Looking at it and saying “yup, that’s going to be hard to build a landing system for†works as a good guide. Subjective, up to community rule in case of contesting). (50pts)

Skymall, mile high mall: Land using a skycrane: (25 pts)

No foul smells: Leave no monopropellant or fuel attached to your store (empty tanks are OK). (25 pts)

Don’t scorch the paint: Leave no engines attached to your store. (25 pts)

24 hour store: Store has some form of lights that can run overnight (exterior or interior). (15 pts)

Turning Paradise: Have some form of parking garage, platform, or designated space for rovers. (50 pts)

Meals on Wheels: Able to relocate your store via wheels: (25 pts)

Any ideas for additional scoring options will be considered :)

To start things off, I give you “Soups N’Saunasâ€Â. Come by to relax in our hot tubs, stay for the soup! Massage parlor now open in the small tower. Soups made from no more than 50% pool water, may contain traces of kerbal. Do not eat if you have an allergy to kerbals or peanuts. Not responsible for drowning. No lifeguard on duty.

(sorry for my low graphics settings, good ol laptop is old, but good)


Landed Weight: 24.8*5 = 124pts

Maximum Capacity: 27=27 pts

Mun: 10pts

Name: 5pts

Description: 10pts

Looks about right: 25pts

If you build it they will come: 15pts

Skymall: 25 pts

No Foul Smells: 25pts

Don’t scorch the paint: 25pts

24 hour store: 15pts

Total: 306pts

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Top that! Let the uneven games begin!

Edited by KeithStone
points added for in the city
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