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+ MechJeb Procne Mk.2 SSTO

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Hello everyone!

Last week I posted a replica fighter jet, but now I'd like to share an original design,

a spaceplane that I developed over a weekend to be extremely light, stable, and efficient. It can take

one kerbal to low/high kerbin orbit with fuel to spare, (although I am not the best pilot, more of an engineer really, so I'm sure

one of you could fly it better!) and twin ion engines for travelling around the kerbin system.

I present to you, the Procne Mk.2 SSTO


Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/uSkew

Download link: https://rapidshare.com/files/814707477/Procne%20SSTO%20Mk_%202.craft

Action groups:

1: toggle turbojet engine

2: toggle intakes

3: toggle LV-T30 engine

4: toggle solar panel/communotron

5: toggle ion engines


two saber engines (turbojet + LV-T30)

two stock ion engines


Electric charge: 455

Liquid fuel: 700

Oxidizer: 660

Xenon gas: 4200

Monoprop: 80

Ascent Instruction (or what I've found to be the most efficient ascent):

1. Turn on fine controls [caps lock]

2. press T for SAS, throttle up to max and press 1

3. After reaching approx. 70 m/s turn off T and pull up slowly until the craft is at 60 degrees and turn on T again.



4. Keep gaining altitude until you reach approx. 15,000 metres then turn off T and let the craft's nose fall to 20 degrees and hit T again.


5. At about 18,000 metres let the nose drop to 12.5 degrees + or - 2.5 degrees, and start gaining speed, keeping within 10-15 degrees



6. When Intake Air reaches 0.16 (which should happen around 29,000 metres, and you should be travelling atleast 1800 m/s) turn on RCS and hit 1,2,and 3 simultaneously, turn off T and pull up to

a 60-70 degree climb then turn T on again. Once apoapsis reaches approx. 71 km, throttle down to min and wait till you reach apoapsis then burn to orbit.


Whoops, forgot to hit 1,2, and 3 when Intake air reached 0.16, this happens at 0.14 (max thrust) but best not to test it, after all, don't wanna piss off the kraken :P



I restarted the flight, but I rushed it this time so my speed build up with the jets wasn't as good





Reaching the apoapsis, its time to burn to orbit:






This was my second try so it wasn't very efficient, however I have gotten this thing into 110km orbit with 270 units of oxidizer to spare, and equivalent plus a little extra liquid fuel for re-entry.

Enjoy :)

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