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Kerbal Chemistry


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As i was wondering about the resource system i thought that maybe the kerbal world needed its own chemistry rules and started thinking about how to make a new group of elements on an understandable table just for the sake of thinking outside the box.

I also tried searching if another sci-fi writer had created a whole new system for their world and it seemed like people only went as far as creating their own elements, never did someone completely overhauled the system.

This by no means is intended to be implemented in any way to the game, im just putting it here into a sciencey and gamey community to see what creative ideas can come from this, and if we can actually reach something interesting.

Remember, this is just some food for thought so any ideas are always well recieved.

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Im gonna start with an idea to give this some momentum.

While thinking i thought it could be a cool idea if instead of going in kinda rows then columns it may be interesting if it went in a pattern like the ulam spiral



16 15 14 13

5 4 3 12

6 1 2 11

7 8 9 10

maybe going from valency 0 to 4

1 and 7 have valency 0 (like noble gases)

3 and 13 have valency 4 (act like carbon or silicon, make large lattice stiff solids)

the other diagonal, (2,4,10,16) has valency 2

then the triangles that expand down and left have valency 1 and the ones that expand right and up have valency 3

also maybe the lower right side are oxidizing agents and the upper left side are reducing agents (or the other way round)

the ones in the middle....(valency 4)might act as both.

this system allows the numbers to keep going up without changing the basic shape of the chart.

I still have to kinda think about metals and other stuff, but that is what this post is all about.

I would really like to know what you people think and maybe other systems that could be made

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