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Hello! I'm Matt, nice to meet you here! :)

Well I've been playing KSP since 0.17 but I didn't realize how to play the game until I started searching for Youtube videos and then I found none other than "Scott Manley" and all his freakin cool KSP videos.. And then I found Robbaz's KSP videos and boy he sure makes me laugh so hard! I LOL (seriously) when he crashes but the Kerbal lives and he says "Success!" hahaha!!!!!!

Anyway I'm quite happy to have found the forums. I'm sort of biased to multiplayer games as i have always thought that was the only way to really randomize certain circumstances or to engage in heated battles that you can't predict... But KSP has shed new light on the idea of turn based gaming since people share saves. I think it kind of brings everyone together in a way that is unique from other games, but then the game is so awesome itself you can't help but be addicted!

I'm new to my 30's but KSP is like when Doom II came out for me! I haven't done much more than dock once despite multiple attempts and land on Minmus. I also realized recently that the game is most enjoyed when you have a mission plan (I write mine down) and follow it through more than just one setting. It took me a while to realize this, but now I am orbiting 3 planets and I love using the RemoteTech mod and watching all the satellites talk to each other. It's very interesting to me in what I have been learning and figuring out related to sending up ships to match orbits but then Kerbin has rotated so your polar orbits have different headings.. I'm just an I.T. guy so this is all new to me.

Loving EVERY SECOND of this! Well worth the money, too bad most people I know don't have the patience for a game like this as I sure could use a nearby friend who likes this and iRacing.com (you should see my triple monitor and cockpit setup, but this is the wrong section for a post like that.)

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Thanks for the welcome, Xiphos!

Actually I am not having any trouble landing on Minmus... Anymore.... BUT it took me some time to figure out what I was doing wrong. My first issue was with RemoteTech command pods, I didn't realize how to get the signal from Kerbin out to my probe, so I would inevitably run out of contact as I left the Kerbin SOI. Interestingly enough, when I did figure out how to use the sat dishes, I kept forgetting to open the solar panels and then I was running out of energy. After many trials, I have landed a manned craft on Minmus, but only through the use of a manned capsule. My intent is to have a fully operational interplanetary communication network, and add at least one comm base on each planet prior to building a manned colony. I have never attempted a return flight, so that is likely next. I have to start learning how to accurately determine my landing site, aiming for it correctly, and also working out the bugs in my own flight plan as related to necessary craft that I have not accounted for; such as docking ports for satellites that I may want to dock with prior to returning to Kerbin... In the future.

I also don't know how far to go as I'm excited to see the release of KSP beta version 0.21 so I'm just biding my time. I do have a question about stock parts, but I'll post that in the proper forum.

Luckily I started browsing through the forums and started learning how to accomplish so much of what I am reading about so now most of my questions are answered and I just have to muster up the time and brainpower to build a rocket that can do what I ask. :)

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