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KSP Mod Installer (Drag and Drop)

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KSP Mod Installer

Kerbal Space Program Mod Installer provides simple, easy mod installation. It requires no modding background and is fully automated. All you need to do is drop a mods zip into it and it does the rest.

Within seconds you can have your mods installed, no longer do you need to extract a zip and copy the files over to a folder that you have to search for everytime. With KSP Mod Installer you browse the folder once and after that you never need to again (unless it changes and you want to change the settings).

If you would like some sort of mod manager feature, please say so.


When you first start Kerbal Space Program mod installer you will have to browse your KSP folder. If you use steam its located in your steamapps folder in common. This is required for KSP mod installer to know where the folder is located. If i were to only of released this for steam then i could have automated this part.


You use the dropdown below the zip icon to select your installation folder. At the top helpful information is diplayed, which during installation displays current progress.


• Drag and Drop mod installation - Quickly install mods without even having to browse or extract a file.

• Supports most mods - The installer supports most SpacePort mods, if suggested i will add the option to install into other folders as well.


• Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8.

• .NET Framework 4 or higher.

• Kerbal Space Program a valid copy is required for KSP Mod Installer to run.


Please follow these installation instructions for the software to work. These are guidlines and may vary. Make sure you don't accidentally delete any .dll's which may come with the .exe as they're required for the software to function as intended.

1. Download the latest version below.

2. Save it anywhere on your computer.

3. If its a Zip, right click and extract it.

4. Once extracted click the .exe to run it. If a warning appears its due to the software not being commonly known.


By downloading you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. Thanks for dowloading.


All downloads are located at -link removed- as well as extra information.

Edited by Aphox
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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not provide source code to my months hard work. And everyone just type my name in google. You can find this on Kerbal Spaceport.

And this isnt a "Plugin" is a application. Which helps users modify the game.

Wait a cherry picking second. Are you just trying to take this down because its like your KSP Mod Admin? Which this is kinda totally different anyway as it doesnt show tons of folders. Anyway. Bit of a background story. Been self teaching C# for the last 2 Years and im 16. Im coming here because im sick of Minecraft. Its just getting annoying. And the people... all like 10 year olds. You can see im fine here (http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/m...ing-made-easy/) You can see how demanding the people are...

Edited by Aphox
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I do not provide source code to my months hard work. And everyone just type my name in google. You can find this on Kerbal Spaceport

No, actually, you do here. We have rules about it that another user was kind enough to post. Spaceport goes the same way.

Edited by Aphox
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I do not provide source code to my months hard work. And everyone just type my name in google. You can find this on Kerbal Spaceport.

And this isnt a "Plugin" is a application. Which helps users modify the game.

Wait a cherry picking second. Are you just trying to take this down because its like your KSP Mod Admin? Which this is kinda totally different anyway as it doesnt show tons of folders. Anyway. Bit of a background story. Been self teaching C# for the last 2 Years and im 16. Im coming here because im sick of Minecraft. Its just getting annoying. And the people... all like 10 year olds. You can see im fine here (http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/m...ing-made-easy/) You can see how demanding the people are...

Hi Magnet_man,

Fist things first:

I just quoted the forum ruls. To make things easy, i have took the link to the rules from this thread Forum/AddonMaking/Addon Releases and Projects/Tools and Application/Forum Rules.

Edit: ups sorry this is the thread I wanted to show: Forum/AddonMaking/Addon Releases and Projects/Tools and Application/Application rules.

Second point:

I didn't change anything on your thread message! I am not a moderator or admin. I am just interested in code to see how others solve problems that i have already handled.

As you can see in my thread the third post is almost the same question as i asked you ...

Third thing:

Wow 16 ... keep on going! (That's no sarcasm!) I have started more or less with the same age with basic on a C64 ....

and my last point:

Why blame others for childish behavior and then cry out ... its my candy :D (ok thats some kind of sarcasm =)

I don't think that your code (just like mine) contains any secrets that are worth protecting.

My opinion is give the user the code so he can be sure that the program contains no malicious code and/or learn from it.

I'm even happy about criticism of my code, if it is rubish.

So, if I made a plugin, I'd need to provide a source code?

Plugin or a Application ... Yes you have to.

Edited by MacTee
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All software that is distributed via the KSP Network, or advertised on it, requires the source code to be publicly available for the end-user. This is in the interest of security and is non-negotiable.

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