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How to orbit.


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I must say, the mods you have selected are fantastic! A tip(s) for you, you NEED ASAS to go ANYWHERE (unless you are that cool) you want to stay straight 90 degrees into the sky, wait until about 10km (10,000) meters, then bank towards the ocean nearest the KSC at about 45 degrees until you get an apoapsis of about 80 km from there burn pro-grade till you have a complete orbit. add a maneuver node and play with it until you get a intercept from the mun or minmus. close the gap go to the intercept point and then burn retro grade until orbit. (I would quicksave F5) then burn retro grade again until it is lower, or onto the object, keep a good control of your speed and you should land just fine! If you are unable to even get into orbit, either keep trying, or you need to redesign it, sorry.

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I disagree, you should begin the gravity turn when there is an adequate amount of time between you and the apoapsis, then tilt east 10 degrees, and gradually turn over, reaching 45 when at 25 km, or the apoapsis is above 30 km. Exit the 45 degree turn and turn to the horizon and cut the engine when the desired altitude is reached.

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