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Conics modes

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Hello everyone.

This is probably a little cheeky of me to ask, but I'm sure that the information is already out there and I'm just unable to find it.

I know that there's different modes for the conic patch modes, but I've never really been sure what each mode does, and how they differ.

Is there anybody kind enough to give me a quick example screenshot of each mode, and perhaps a short Pros/Cons section to explain why you might want to use that mode?

Also, if you could tell me which mode you use and why, that'd be grand. My main gripe with whatever the default setting is is that it makes interplanetary burns a fair bit harder to manipulate - so I guess if there's a mode that is ideal for say, a direct burn from Kerbin to Duna, that'd be the one I'd be looking for!

Thank you all for your help, I love you all. Especially you. Yeah, you. Don't look behind you, I'm talking to you. :kiss:

Edited by allmappedout
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If you're in mode 0, then if your planned trajectory enters a planet's SOI, it shows the path around the actual planet, wherever it is in its orbit. That way, you can focus the planet and zoom in to see exactly how you're going to intercept.

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Cheers! That sounds like the most handy. What about the other modes? Do you have any idea how these work? Which is the default mode?

I actually only know 0 and 3. 3 is the default, where it shows the intercept trajectory around the planet at the point of intercept.

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I use 3 for all my regular maneuvering but switch to 0 when trying to confirm if I'm going to be on a prograde or retrograde orbit. Also 0 to get my inclination right from far out if I'm headed for a polar orbit.

I also have the number of conic patches turned up to 5, so it will give me information about post encounter encounters. Useful for gravity assists. I've had to swing around 3-4 joolian moons to get the one I wanted, and with that number set at 5 I could line them up more than one at a time

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1 was the default before 0.18. It shows the planned trajectrory relative to its SOI, and shows it where the planet will be on the encounter.

2 is similar to 1, except that it shows the trajectory where the planet will be on escape instead of encounter.

3 is the default one, which is the worst for telling what your orbit will be.

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All hail conic patch draw mode 0, the only mode that is actually useful from an orbital mechanics design point of view!

Seriously, when you're doing a preliminary estimate of dV requirements, you use conic patches in the frame of reference of the locally dominant gravitational body because it lets you get information about your orbit visually: inclination, eccentricity, periapsis, turning angle, exit angle to prograde, etc.

Mode 3 is pretty, and that's all it is. If I were going to write an article in popular science about my mission, I would use it. If I were going to show my supervisor my initial plans for a trajectory, I would use Mode 0.

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I always recommend this mod, but it's a nifty little gadget.


You can switch conics mode on the fly. Does other stuff as well.

1 was the default before 0.18. It shows the planned trajectrory relative to its SOI, and shows it where the planet will be on the encounter.

2 is similar to 1, except that it shows the trajectory where the planet will be on escape instead of encounter.

3 is the default one, which is the worst for telling what your orbit will be.

You should check this post out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/11322-Different-Conic-drawing-modes It has pictures of all the different modes.
All hail conic patch draw mode 0, the only mode that is actually useful from an orbital mechanics design point of view!

Seriously, when you're doing a preliminary estimate of dV requirements, you use conic patches in the frame of reference of the locally dominant gravitational body because it lets you get information about your orbit visually: inclination, eccentricity, periapsis, turning angle, exit angle to prograde, etc.

Mode 3 is pretty, and that's all it is. If I were going to write an article in popular science about my mission, I would use it. If I were going to show my supervisor my initial plans for a trajectory, I would use Mode 0.

All of you, thank you! fran13kie especially, that was exactly what I was after, cheers!

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