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Crew Roster


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Not sure if this is likely to appear in Career mode, or if there is already a mod out there that does something similar. I was wondering about a utility or mod that keeps track of where your Kerbals are. I currently have 4 stations, 2 around Kerbin and 1 around Mun and Minmus, as well as a base on the moon, all of which have to be kept staffed. At the moment it's simple enough to put a station in orbit somewhere and then pretty much forget about the crew. Thought it would be nice if we had something that first of all kept track of where everybody was, but also incorporated a reminder that poor old Jebediah has been at Mun base for the last two months and it's about time that someone went up there to relieve him from duties so that he could enjoy a bit of time Kerbin side.

I am aware of the crew manifest mod, but not sure it does what I am suggesting. Obviously the tour of duty would need to be user configurable, as it would be no use getting a reminder that Bob needs relieving after 2 weeks if he's on a 4 month mission to Jool, but something like this would give a purpose to some of the missions we fly.

Be interested to hear what others think.

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Crew manifest doesn't do that, last time I checked.

It seems like something we'll need someday, if stock life support is added.

And it'd be a lot simpler than searching the persistence file when you want to find out where a certain kerbal has got to.

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Tracking station only keeps track of Kerbals if they are EV. Haven't used the crew manifest mod, but I don't think it does what I am suggesting. Kerbal alarm clock is a possibility, but the alarm is associated with a vehicle rather than it's pilot, though that's only a relatively minor problem. The biggest problem there is if your Kerbal trans-ships and you forget to add an alarm to the new vessel, especially if the original vessel 'ends flight'. I guess I could message the author of that mod with my suggestion to see if it's something he might like to include in a future update.

Edited by Scarecrow88
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