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[stock] VTOL Flyingwing

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This is a vertical take off and landing capable flying wing airplane. It has good flight characteristics, and the VTOL capability allows it to take off, land, and hover like a helicopter.

The file:


Extract and copy to your SPH folder.

How to take off:

I use numpad 1, 2, 3, etc. to control custom action groups.

Bind the 3x rear jet engines, the 2x VTOL thrusters, and the 1x turbojet into separate "toggle-able" action groups.

-First stage: Turn the 2x VTOL thrusters on at 100% thrust.

-Second stage: Turn the 3x rear-facing jet engines to accelerate your aircraft forward. You can turn these 3 off after your aircraft has some forward momentum.

Now, reduce the VTOL thrust to about 50~60%. Your plane will be gently hovering in the air. You can nose down slightly to accelerate forward with the VTOL thrusters, and nose up to slow down. But NEVER lose forward momentum or the aircraft will nose-up and you'll lose control. Don't worry, the plane has excellent hovering characteristics, and you can hover at very low speeds just so long as you have forward momentum (and you can perform landings like this:



-Third stage: the turbo jets are there for extra speed. You don't really need this turned on (as it just burns up a lot of fuel). But it's there if you want to get to places faster.

-Fourth stage: the 2x parachutes are there to save the poor pilot... just in case.

Vertical Take off tutorial with images:

-2x VTOL thrusters on.


-3x Rear thrusters on, accelerating forward.


-Forward momentum gained, 3x rear thrusters off.


-Rising up.


-With just VTOL thrusters, nose down slightly to accelerate forward.


Landing on the island airstrip (image heavy):






Happy flying/launching! :cool:

edit: seems like the '

' is not working/available...

Edited by stoicastronomy
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You just need the slightest amount of forward momentum to keep the aircraft under control. So in a sense you can call it a STOL, but it would be a very very short take off and landing.

Alternatively, if you want a true VTOL take off, then you can turn on RCS thrusters, and you can take off with just VTOL engines in a true VTOL fashion. Just use RCS to pitch the nose down to accelerate forward once you are in the air so the plane doesn't do a extreme nose-up -> lose control. Once you have the forward momentum, you can turn off RCS and use the ailerons and the elevators to pitch up and down.

Edited by stoicastronomy
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