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Constructing a ship on the Mun....

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Hello fellow Kerbalnauts!

I am currently planning and building a rocket-ship at my Mun base, as a staging base for future missions to other planets. (Mainly because I'm terrible at docking in orbit) ;.;

So I'm building the "Kerhemoth" piece by piece on the Mun.

Here are my concerns.....


As you can see in the picture, my bottom piece has a core control device and an ASAS module. I would like to know if I can do without the ASAS module and core all-together, and place them somewhere on the frame so I can transport my base. When I dock (attach) to the rest of my parts, one of them having a core and ASAS module, would they apply control to the entire constructed ship? Doing what I hope will work will help reduce weight in shipping the parts.

If you are still confused, I can provide more clarification.

Thanks for reading my post!

Edited by RedKosmos
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