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[WIP] KerbTown v0.13 Beta - Place static buildings, cities, launch sites & more!


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No, I followed the instructions in the manual: place, unclick on existing, save session, then reload (I reloaded the game). It appeared after the reload when I went to the flag it was next to, but no further flights saw it.

Wait, if I launch a flight before reloading the database, would that bollocks it up?

Edited by SkipSpikowski
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Any certain steps to replicate?

I've tried launching a ship from VAB, landing - going to tracking station to another ship on Kerbin and still good..

Then went to space center and tried another plane - still good.

It may be a bug with KerbTown. If it is you should hopefully get some feedback in the debug log for it. Check that as well when you switch flights.

If it still doesn't show up, open the editor and select the existing object - tell me what it says in the debug log after that. :)

Edit: Only if you save the current session again.

Edited by Razchek
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I am not having any luck making my own models, so I thought I could try to turn some existing models from PART into STATIC.

Do I need to import the model back into Unity for that or just alter the config? I have tried both and neither work for me, but probably due to my own lack of familiarity with the Unity.

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So when I take off the airstrip disappears, but if I land near it, exit to the space center and then back to the craft the runway is there. I'm noticing debris around and under it could that be causing the problem?

Got rid of debris so that wasn't the issue

Edit 2: I can make as many runways at KSC as I want but anywhere else seems to be bugged when leaving KSC.

Edit 3: I can make other runways, but in some parts of the map it refuses to show up when I fly to it. I'm following every instruction.

Edited by SkipSpikowski
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The error that was in the debug log occurred before KerbTown was instantiated, it's likely that the exception is irrelevant to the problem you're having.

Are you reloading the database, or reloading the game?

If you're reloading the game - in the version that's available (0.10b) there is a bug where on the very first flight the static object's renderer and collider components are disabled.

So you won't see them unless you reload the flight scene (ESC > Space Center > Tracking/Launch).

One other thing I should ask, is the Floating Launch Grounds there from your second flight scene onwards?

Just in-case:

1. Place runway (make sure you've deleted any instances of it that are already there just incase).

2. Deselect or just click Save Session.

3. Go to the space center, press ALT+F12, goto the Database tab and click "Reload All".

4. Start another flight.

Is the issue still occuring?

If there is still a problem, please upload and post your KSP_Data/output_log.txt file after exiting KSP. Make sure you have already loaded and saved your statics.

Pictures below:

1. Just placed and saved | 2. Flying over after crashing and starting another flight (leaving the old debris there) | 3. Flying around to try land | 4. Crash land, but Kerbal survives.

lsRYP2Hs.png BRVPkyjs.png 8XSaKMus.jpg kgqEkwas.jpg


@Smurfalot - Although it's not supported by KerbTown it is possible.

Say you wanted to convert the FL-T500 Fuel Tank to a static object.

You would follow the STATIC config template as a reference in the manual.

The modules, resources and any other nodes that are there should also be removed.

STATIC // <- changed
// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
// FL-T500 Fuel Tank

// --- general parameters ---
name = fuelTank_long
module = Part
author = NovaSilisko

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 0.1

cost = 1600
category = none // <- changed
subcategory = 0
title = FL-T800 Fuel Tank
manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.
description = A stretched variant of the FL-T400, the FL-T800 holds twice the fuel in a slightly stronger container. The black stripes along the side make the rocket go faster, our engineers tell us.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
mass = 0.5
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 6
breakingForce = 50
breakingTorque = 50
maxTemp = 2900



Remember, you should back up your parts if you are editing them in-place.

Edited by Razchek
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@Smurfalot - Although it's not supported by KerbTown it is possible.

Say you wanted to convert the FL-T500 Fuel Tank to a static object.

You would follow the STATIC config template as a reference in the manual.

The modules, resources and any other nodes that are there should also be removed.

STATIC // <- changed
// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
// FL-T500 Fuel Tank

// --- general parameters ---
name = fuelTank_long
module = Part
author = NovaSilisko

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 0.1

cost = 1600
category = none // <- changed
subcategory = 0
title = FL-T800 Fuel Tank
manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.
description = A stretched variant of the FL-T400, the FL-T800 holds twice the fuel in a slightly stronger container. The black stripes along the side make the rocket go faster, our engineers tell us.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
mass = 0.5
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 6
breakingForce = 50
breakingTorque = 50
maxTemp = 2900



Remember, you should back up your parts if you are editing them in-place.

That is basically what I did, the only problem is if I leave the flight I used to get to the location for placement, go to the space center and come back the structure is gone. I made sure that I saved the placement and it still shows up in the menu as an existing item, but it no longer renders in the game. Leaving the game and reloading does not help.

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That is basically what I did, the only problem is if I leave the flight I used to get to the location for placement, go to the space center and come back the structure is gone. I made sure that I saved the placement and it still shows up in the menu as an existing item, but it no longer renders in the game. Leaving the game and reloading does not help.

You're certain you aren't missing any of the steps? The symptoms you describe sounds like the game database hasn't been reloaded (from restarting or the debug menu) or you are checking for the object in the first flight scene after restarting the game.

It could be a malformed static config file as well, or any other number of things. I need to write a "reporting a bug" guideline lol.

Check to see if there is an error..

Start a flight scene, open up the debug window and scroll to the bottom. Keep watch of the new information that gets added.

Create a new static object, click "Save Session". Go back to the space center and reload the game database.

Go back to the flight scene.

Select the object to see if it will throw some errors in the debug log.

Are there any errors, warnings or exceptions in the log?

Another thing that comes to mind is that you may not have admin priviliges for the KSP folder, I remember seeing a bunch of problems awhile back about KSP being on someone's desktop failed hard as well.

I don't know if that was fixed, but it's another suggestion.

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Hey, I have been messing around with this a little. It seems to me, all static things I place will show up in all saves/scenarios, and that that is intended.

Is there a way to make static objects placed with this plugin only appear in a specific save or scenario?

If not (and possible), it would be a nice addition!

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Check to see if there is an error..

Start a flight scene, open up the debug window and scroll to the bottom. Keep watch of the new information that gets added.

Create a new static object, click "Save Session". Go back to the space center and reload the game database.

Go back to the flight scene.

Select the object to see if it will throw some errors in the debug log.

Are there any errors, warnings or exceptions in the log?

Another thing that comes to mind is that you may not have admin priviliges for the KSP folder, I remember seeing a bunch of problems awhile back about KSP being on someone's desktop failed hard as well.

I don't know if that was fixed, but it's another suggestion.

When I left and reloaded the game as mentioned in the last post, it was my first scene after loading a new game. So that might be the cause.

However something strange just happened.

When the structures did not show up last night (as mentioned previously) I deliberately deleted them from the "existing" menu and resaved the session again before I shut down the game for the night because I did not want ghost structures lingering in my config.

Just now when I loaded the game to to check my process. I once again went to the location on the first flight after loading... and the structures I had deleted previously had reappeared.

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Hey, I have been messing around with this a little. It seems to me, all static things I place will show up in all saves/scenarios, and that that is intended.

Is there a way to make static objects placed with this plugin only appear in a specific save or scenario?

If not (and possible), it would be a nice addition!

There seems to be a demand for it so it will definitely happen. Hopefully in the next few updates.


Here's my outputlog http://www./?1u21k46ay19vq2q

As there are other runways, I must be doing something wrong. I just don't know what.

I'll keep trying to replicate the issue. Can you take a look at the runway config and let me know what the instance node's Visibility range is? Are they 1000 or 100000?

I noticed the URL for the runway static is Runway/runway/Runway lol.. I'll try that folder structure and see what happens as well.

When I left and reloaded the game as mentioned in the last post, it was my first scene after loading a new game. So that might be the cause.

However something strange just happened.

When the structures did not show up last night (as mentioned previously) I deliberately deleted them from the "existing" menu and resaved the session again before I shut down the game for the night because I did not want ghost structures lingering in my config.

Just now when I loaded the game to to check my process. I once again went to the location on the first flight after loading... and the structures I had deleted previously had reappeared.

That is weird. Perhaps the save didn't occur. I cannot replicate this issue.

Like I was saying though, there could have been an error when you clicked Save Session. If it is reoccuring for you, please upload and link your KSP_Data\output_log.txt file after the error has occurred.

Also check the static configs are saving. As soon as you save, the configs are updated.

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Checked the range and they are all 100000. I can see the one's near KSC, but I don't know if it is the terrain or what but it just will not load it there. They are all there and I just can't figure out why they wouldn't work. Do you want my persistance file to see if you can replicate it there?

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Checked the range and they are all 100000. I can see the one's near KSC, but I don't know if it is the terrain or what but it just will not load it there. They are all there and I just can't figure out why they wouldn't work. Do you want my persistance file to see if you can replicate it there?

Yes please. :)

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There seems to be a demand for it so it will definitely happen. Hopefully in the next few updates.

That is weird. Perhaps the save didn't occur. I cannot replicate this issue.

Like I was saying though, there could have been an error when you clicked Save Session. If it is reoccuring for you, please upload and link your KSP_Data\output_log.txt file after the error has occurred.

Also check the static configs are saving. As soon as you save, the configs are updated.

I did not see anything out of the ordinary on the output log, no errors or red lines.

It may well have been an ID10T error on my part, but I will be extra careful to watch my steps to see if it replicates.

On the topic of attaching a static to a specific save/scenario. I was thinking it might be best if some statics that are created to be interacted with as "live" structures are created as separate flights so that they can be interacted with, selected from KSC control and targeted etc. as a "live" structure.

This might be accomplished by looking at the way new flights are created when stages separate. Having the "live" structure as a separate flight would also help with docking and transferring resources/kerbals between that type of static and other vessels.

Then you would probably have to create a vesselType for "Terrain" for statics that are -not- "live" structures such as islands, caves and that archway I saw earlier in the thread.

Edited by Smurfalot
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On the topic of attaching a static to a specific save/scenario. I was thinking it might be best if structures are created as separate flights so that they can be interacted with, selected from KSC control and targeted etc. as a "live" structure.

This might be accomplished by looking at the way new flights are created when stages separate. Having the "live" structure as a separate flight would also help with docking and transferring resources/kerbals between that type of static and other vessels.

Then you would probably have to create a vesselType for "Terrain" for statics that are -not- "live" structures such as islands, caves and that archway I saw earlier in the thread.

I've already passed that stage in brain storming, these objects will not be 'flights'. Management will be from the KerbTown GUI / file editing only.

The objects do not inherit Vessel or Part classes. So I guess on that note I won't be implementing those as core functions to KerbTown lol.

It is a nice idea though, and another developer may create their own modules to use with KerbTown to respect the functions you mentioned.

KerbTown does support extending each unique static object with whatever script a talented mind can come up with.


With those I can successfully replicate problem. I will see what is causing the issue and reply with a fix or implement the bug fix in the next update.

Thank you again to everyone so far for the feedback, suggestions and testing during the beta stage of this addon.

Edited by Razchek
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Hey, I decided to run a little test about that distance thing. Put something far off in the west, same problem (disappeared). Though I wasn't sure if I just couldn't find it. Had not marked the place... D'oh!

So, second test. I placed static objects every 30 seconds while heading north-west at an altitiude of ~6500 m. Airspeed was about 300m/s so it worked out to about 9km between objects. Did this for like 20 minutes or so.

Result: About 100km from KSC the line ended prematurely. I have 42 Instances in the config, only 8 show up in-game. I can make more of them show up if I increase the VisibilityRange parameter in the config. Maybe that is centered on KSC no matter what...

I tried to land to leave and re-enter the flight scene to see if that does anything, but first crashed the plane trying to land, then the game trying to revert and now all static objects are gone >.<

Strange things are going on here :P

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I've found and fixed the problem for the next update. :)

If the object is X distance (X = 100km default) away from the vessel on flight init then the GameObjects are disabled, including the PQSCity component which updates the active and visibility variables lol.

So unfortunately it wouldn't re-appear when you were in range. :P

Thank you for trying that out. :D

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Would it be possible to add the ability to manipulate a static's scale along the 3 axis? I'm running into some explosions trying to use my spawnflag to spawn in static objects held in place with launch clamps (turns out launch clamps are insanely unstable) and one thing I'd like to have is a generic "flat surface" structure, but doing it lego style could get rather tiresome, so one square that I can resize via scale, even if it screws with the texture, would be very nice. Alternately, a placement mode that allows for 2D tiling to fill an area with multiple of a structure, would also work very well.

My exploits:


You'll notice one of those images is upside down, I don't know why. Twice now KSP has just gotten in a mood and started making screenshots upside down, flipped vertically not rotated. The game is not upside down, it just makes the file weird. I don't know if this has anything to do with KerbTown, so much has changed in my instance recently (including it being entirely replaced for the .21 update...), but this never happened before .21.1, and I've had KerbTown installed since .21.0. It's fairly elusive given it happens after a while, each time I've had an instance of KSP running for more than a few hours, so it's difficult to test cases.I didn't see anything that stuck out in the log, but both times I was also suffering numerous other slow grinding deaths from other reasons, like interstellar launch clamps. Suffice to say there was a lot of noise in the log.

Fun Fact: The way Kethane determines if a drill is penetrating the ground in a place that has kethane is by casting a ray between two points of the drill model and seeing if that ray hits a mesh that is on layer 15 and then determining if the point it hit exists in a hexregion that contains kethane. As such Statics count, and theoretically any part who's mesh is on layer 15 should also count (mid air kethane mining?).

Fun Fact: The FireSpitter bomber cockpit can survive a fall from 10Km.

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Version 0.11 Beta Released


  • KerbTown now manipulates the FlightCamera to chase selected Static Objects.
  • KerbTown now remembers the last launch site used (if it still exists). Per-save.
  • Added speed multipliers to the KerbTown GUI to increase the object translation speed for placing static objects.
  • Fixed the first-flight bug where instances of objects were not always loaded.
  • Fixed the bug that prevented rendering of objects that start further away than the visibility range.
  • Fixed the bug that sometimes causes duplicate objects to appear.

I probably forgot a bunch of things, sorry. :P

I've added a todo list to the main post now, to help keep track of things I forget to add in my local todo list.

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