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Multiplayer Space Combat Game in Need of Texturizers / Modelers


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Hey everybody.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm a regular on these forums and I've been around for a while. I've seen KSP grow up from nothing (or as close to nothing as it was back in the 0.7+ days), and although I love the game to death, there are a few things it definitely isn't:

Multiplayer. Don't get us veterans started on multiplayer... We've seen it requested before and it is likely never going to happen.

Also not going to happen? Space combat. Weapons are confirmed to not be a part of the KSP universe.

So where can you get your multiplayer space combat fix? Well, a friend and I are currently developing a game on Unity called Cosmic Storm. Development stunted a bit over the last year when we ran into some issues with the networking, but the project is back up and running! Between my friend and I we have the framework for epic multiplayer battles that will hopefully allow for 6 or more players to take part, while AI fighters fill out the rest of the battle.

We've got weapons like space missiles, lasers to cause heat damage to spacecraft, a high-firing plasma cannon, and best of all? Explosions. Lots and lots of explosions!

Why am I trying so hard to sell this to you? Well, as the title might already have spoiled, we need some help with textures and models. Our game is awesome, but my friend and I work so hard on the design basis and hard coding of the project that we have little creative juices left for the artistic side. Sure, we try, but it'd be far better if we had someone with real creative muscle to help us out.

Game dev experience is preferred but not a must. If you can edit together images online, and make them look good then we can show you how to apply it. We can supply uv maps, concept sketches, and other tools to help out.

Right now whoever we take on to the project would be working for free. Our project is still in its infancy, and we obviously aren't selling it yet, so we can't afford a payroll per se. That said, whoever comes in on the project as early as possible will probably get a greater cut of the profits when we finally do sell, than they would if they came in later. Just something to think about. :)

The real reward will be to work on a project that is new, exciting, and fun.

Reply here or send me a PM if you have questions or are interested. My friend and I can fill you in on the project details and show you some media of what we have. Right now there isn't a whole lot to show, but I have some images on imgur lying around of the last iteration of the project that I'll be happy to show if anyone is interested!

That's all I got. Thanks for reading. :)

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