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a question of morals


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Ok so here is my question. I have recently launched a mission to Duna but sadly i have missed the phase angle. So i need to time exhilarate to get the phase angle in line again. so i was wondering if it would be considered cheating to use infinite fuel to boost my orbit into one that allows for 10000X time warp and when the phase angle is in the proper place drop my orbit back to it's original state then disable infinite fuel.?

PS. what is the ideal altitude to air brake on duna?

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one cannot cheat in a single player game. if one does change the rules, however, one cannot boast about one's achievements.

so, in conclusion, do whatever you want, but if you do decide to use infinite fuel, dont go boasting on the forums about how awesome you are because you made it to Duna

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it's a single player game in sandbox mode. The question of cheating is essentially irrelevant. Or more accurately: Will you personally feel the same sense of accomplishment if you succeed with infinite fuel turned on as you would with it off? If it doesn't bother YOU than forget what us forum vultures think!

Edit: and as for the bragging argument, who cares whose e-organ is bigger?

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If you feel like it's cheating then don't do it. I don't allow MechJeb in my game because using it would be cheating. Otherwise, no one but you cares.

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You can switch to a spacecraft on the pad at KSC and time warp from there. You can go all the way up to 100,000x from a spacecraft on the ground.

Also, you can air brake on Duna at about 12 km periapsis, depending on your speed.

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  spikeyhat09 said:
dont feed the trolls

OP seemed interested in what others consider to be cheating within their own games so I provided an example from my own.

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  spikeyhat09 said:
good point, but the last thing this forum needs is another mechjeb "debate" (flame war)

I should hardly think that any of our fine forum-goers would misconstrue my statement about what is cheating in my game as applying to their own, single-player experience.

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You lose precision when you try to do stuff like that. I know of two ways you could fix it described below.

Option 1: You could edit your persistent.sfs to change your game time to a future date. My gut feeling is that it is in seconds, with your first time on the pad or runway in a clean save being time 0. That being said, you'll need to estimate (more like guess) what UT your next window is. Note: the game labels time as UT for universal time.


Option 2: You can copy (not cut) the orbital information block for your ship in the persistent.sfs. Then, go into the game and enable infinite fuel and follow your original plan. Next, go back into your persistent.sfs, highlight the current orbital information and paste the old information. Finally, save the whole thing. This will put you in EXACTLY the same orbit you were in before with EXACTLY the same amount of fuel. Don't forget to turn infinite fuel back off

Some pieces of advice:

1. I am not an expert on persistent editing

2. Always make a copy of the original (unedited) persistent

3. Ensure there is only one persistent.sfs in your save file when you open the game. Save the other one somewhere like "My Documents"

4. I don't know what quick saving will do while you are editing the persistent.sfs

As said above, though, what you do with your game is your business. If you don't consider it cheating, you are not cheating.

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I launch outside phase angle windows a fair bit, quite interesting to try and make a rendezvous like that ( if pretty heavy on fuel ). It's just orbital mechanics like rendesvous in planetary orbit, you're just orbiting the sun instead.

Planetary capture at large angles gets pretty exciting...

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