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[1.0.5] TAC Life Support v0.11.2.1 [12Dec]


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Is there a way to determine the theoretical (I.E. with max crew) life support remaining in a currently unmanned vessel on orbit? (Other than with tedious math and trying to locate all the containers I've got attached here and there.)

Somewhere in the pluging there is the option to see the remaining Life support in every ''on mission'' ship, just use the icon in the toolbar and find it, don't remember well which option was.

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Is there anyway to know if the water purifier and carbon extracter are working? The waste goes up and the resources go down. Is that right? I have big mission coming up, don't want my crew to die!

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Somewhere in the pluging there is the option to see the remaining Life support in every ''on mission'' ship, just use the icon in the toolbar and find it, don't remember well which option was.

I can only find an option for manned craft...

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awesome mod, just one question, What is the problem ?

"[Error]: Tac.AddLifeSupport[43EF9180][124.23]: Error adding the Part Module (expected?): Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Tac.AddLifeSupport.AddPartModule (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 "

First time i encounter a problem with TAC

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Is it just me, or is there a problem with the normals on the top and bottom edges of the cylinder parts? In the picture of zamp's retexture (which look awesome BTW) the top part of the side is lighter than the bottom, and this is the case with the original textures too - not zamp's problem, but an issue for the actual model?

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oooooooooooohhhhhhhh pretty. :D

I know that some people are a fan of hex cans but honestly they kind of aren't my style. Has anyone made 'roundified' radial tanks for the life support resources?

Somnambulist has done some cylindrified ones - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66479-23-Somnambulic-Aerospace-Life-Support-Parts-0-0-1-%2818-Jan%29

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Is there anyway to know if the water purifier and carbon extracter are working? The waste goes up and the resources go down. Is that right? I have big mission coming up, don't want my crew to die!

That's my concern too. Personally, I'm going to do it the way they do it in real life: don't launch a mission expected to last X until you've kept a Kerbal alive for X in orbit, where they can return quickly if something goes haywire.

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Question: Is it possible to bring up the configuration thingy again after the first instance? I'm finding the default settings a tad easy after playing so much BTSM and I'd like to increase the required EC (in particular) and the weight of consumables. Also, is it possible just to dump waste?

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This mod is potentially a great couple for Interstellar based on ORS which have a pretty well working system of planetary resource gathering.

One can already easily patch ORS to make Interstellar's Atmospheric Scoops collect avaiable CO2 from Eve and Duna atmospheres - just by adding "resourceName = CarbonDioxide" at appropriate places of \GameData\OpenResourceSystem\PlanetResourceData\atmosphericresourcedefinitions.cfg.

Water, Oxygen and Hydrogen are trickier however... as they are treated as LqdWater, Oxidizer and LiquidFuel respectively and changing that will break Interstellar mechanics...

BTW, RL life support systems are not using any magical CO2 -> O2 convertors, but use water electrolyse and Sabatier process instead.

2 H20 -> 2 H2 + 02

C02 + 2 H2 -> CH4 + H20

Wonderfully, Interstellar mod already DO use a methane (CH4) for engines and have an implementation of Sabatier process at ISRu Refinery.

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Nevermind I found it. It's PartCatalog

Cross-posting this from the realism overhaul thread.

I made models for an electrolyser and a fuel cell (technically a 12-cell stack).

They are available at https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4y-shYXMH9BcEhsUWNyLXpXZEU&usp=sharing.

Electrolyser (from the Elektron diagrams, ignoring safety features such as a blast-proof housing and a nitrogen pressure hull).


Fuel cell (from tweaking the previous model and looking at the Apollo Operations Handbook). It's shown packed inside a service module with RCS tanks, O2 tanks, with MechJeb providing some awkward lighting.


Caveat: I do not use the same colour-coding as regex for O2, H2 and H2O. I sort of followed ISO 14726 for the pipes (http://www.maritimeprogress.com/downloads/M2-Pipe-Identification-Tape-to-ISO14726.pdf) and although this is probably bad practice, I used the same colour-coding for the tanks. It follows for instance that the O2 tanks in the electrolyser and fuel cell are gray-blue-gray (this happens to match the tanks in the Mk1 pod and on the launchpad), while the regex O2 tanks are yellow. Water is okay, it's blue.

EDIT: Updated version, CEN EN 1089-3 compliant.


Regarding licensing,


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

What is the name of that mod-sorting plugin shown in the VAB in the first image of your post? I can't find it.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Like this mod? Concerned about the appearance of the parts? Or Maybe you've been using a different Life Support mod, and want to switch over to this one without breaking your ship designs?

Why not use other parts? Freely available parts, from a similar mod?

Well, you can. You can do almost anything, if you believe.

  1. Download ECLSS Mod, if you agree to their license. It's in this thread.
  2. Install it, but do not start the game.
  3. In the /Lifesupport folder, delete everything except the Lifesupport/Parts folder.
  4. In the /Lifesupport/Parts folder, delete everything except the:
    • /Lifesupport/Parts/ECLSS_largetank
    • /Lifesupport/Parts/ECLSS_regenerator
    • /Lifesupport/Parts/ECLSS_smalltank
    • Again, delete everything except those ones. Check. Otherwise you're going to have weird "CO2". What does that even mean, I ask of you?

[*]Download and install ModuleManager, if you agree to the license. Or not, as you quite likely already have it installed.

[*]Download and put this file into your GameData directory, anywhere in there really. This file is released under the Creative Commons NC-A license, with an additional "I don't really care, I promise I won't sue you if you don't sue me" clause. As usual, this file does not include any part of the ECLSS mod, you have to get that yourself, only references the names.

[*]You may now play the game. Items are reconfigured to match the values of TAC items (even if by rights they should really be a bit smaller or have larger capacity) and are available in the same tech nodes as their default TAC brothers.

No pics, no clicks:


For the curious, this is the contents of that file. You can see I've added GZ to the manufacturers because it helps debug whether or not it's worked and also because I am a Megalomaniac, and also that was a great game, you should play it. Once again, if this offends, delete. It's the in-game manufacturers; Part "authors" remains the same as it always is.


@manufacturer = BobCat Inc & GZ
@TechRequired = survivability
@entryCost = 2800
@amount = 1920
@maxAmount = 1920
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1920
@TechRequired = survivability
@entryCost = 2800
@amount = 240
@maxAmount = 240
name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 240

@TechRequired = electronics
@entryCost = 6000


name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = Carbon Extractor
conversionRate = 8.4
inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 1, ElectricCharge, 1000
outputResources = Oxygen, 0.9, false, Waste, 2.218, true

amount = 0
maxAmount = 240


name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 240

To go with your new parts, why not try the Deep Space Mission pack? I've written a little config for that too, that makes it work properly in 0.23. And then, when you've put your spacemonster into orbit with no real idea of what it's for, try using WhereCanIGo?, a little web app that takes your delta-v and lets you know, er, where you can go. It's like working backwards from a delta-v map. Best of all, it's free! For now - DLC Not Included

Edited by GavinZac
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Can someone help me modify the small hexcans so I can grab them with kerbals on EVA? Using KAS, of course.

Try this Module Manager config:

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = false
storedSize = 10
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

(put it in a text file called anything.cfg, put it in the GameData directory, make sure you have ModuleManager.dll, etc, etc, etc.)

Edited by GavinZac
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Thanks, that seems to have worked.

Great! I don't think they should fit in the containers, but if you'd like them to, change

	storable = false
storedSize = 10

To "true" and some semi-realistic value. 20 at least, I think.

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Great! I don't think they should fit in the containers, but if you'd like them to, change

	storable = false
storedSize = 10

To "true" and some semi-realistic value. 20 at least, I think.

I've got a cfg file you can download and place in GameData for anyone who is not comfortable editing cfg files. I'm working on extending KAS attributes into a bunch of other mods. I picked 18 as a storedSize on the small hex cans since I imagine it being awkwardly jammed into the containers at a weird angle by an overzealous Kerbal. I may change it up to something like 23 to be really inconvenient.

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I've got a cfg file you can download and place in GameData for anyone who is not comfortable editing cfg files. I'm working on extending KAS attributes into a bunch of other mods. I picked 18 as a storedSize on the small hex cans since I imagine it being awkwardly jammed into the containers at a weird angle by an overzealous Kerbal. I may change it up to something like 23 to be really inconvenient.

Sweet. I've done this for a few things and may lob a few config files your way if you want. You appear to have several covered already though, so I'll have to check.

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So I was under the impression that the air requirement was waved if you were on an Oxygen planet under 25k in altitude.

However, this apparently does not matter if it is triggered due to lack of power? You see I had a kerbal die of toxic air 1k above the ocean after re-entry. Needless to say it was very frustrating.

So perhaps the electricity-death needs to be waved if under a certain altitude for the same reasons that the general air requirements are.

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