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[1.0.4] SteamGauges V1.7.2 - 27 July '15


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[LOG 16:10:00.179] Load(Assembly): SteamGauges/Plugins/SteamGauges

[LOG 16:10:00.180] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at K:\Stuff\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SteamGauges\Plugins\SteamGauges.dll

[LOG 16:10:00.349] Load(Assembly): 000_Toolbar/Toolbar

[LOG 16:10:00.350] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at K:\Stuff\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\000_Toolbar\Toolbar.dll

[LOG 16:10:00.502] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Toolbar' V1.0

[LOG 16:10:00.502] Load(Assembly): Plugins/ModuleManager.2.6.3

[LOG 16:10:00.503] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at K:\Stuff\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\ModuleManager.2.6.3.dll

[LOG 16:10:00.566] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'ModuleManager' V2.5

[LOG 16:10:00.569] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies

[ERR 16:10:01.477] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SteamGauges': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SteamGauges.SteamGauges' from assembly 'SteamGauges, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

(This is part of the log with SteamGauges)

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If it isn't loading correctly, you might experience more instability, but I haven't noticed it as being any less stable with stock. On the other hand, I haven't played without SteamGauges in quite a while, so I'm not a reliable source. It shouldn't be constantly crashing on you, though.

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About the CKAN Integration, as asked by RottieLover, would you mind if i asked the guys at CKAN to get it included?

Also, reading this thread, found an idea for a Caution/Warning System Gauge.

I made a quick and dirty concept art (in Excel lol)

If you like the idea, i would be willing to do real art, so you can focus on coding.


Whoops, abort light is duplicated.. Lol...

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About the CKAN Integration, as asked by RottieLover, would you mind if i asked the guys at CKAN to get it included?

Also, reading this thread, found an idea for a Caution/Warning System Gauge.

I made a quick and dirty concept art (in Excel lol)

If you like the idea, i would be willing to do real art, so you can focus on coding.


Whoops, abort light is duplicated.. Lol...

I'll take a longer look at the KCAN specs, but it doesn't look like it would be too bad.

That's not a bad annunciator panel. Although I'm not really sure when I would have the ABORT light come on. I think the reason I never did a panel was due to space reasons. I guess if you left it on you could just turn on the appropriate gauge when necessary. It shouldn't be too hard to code though, since I'm already checking everything there.

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A good rule of thumb for the abort light would be "Whenever something explodes"... But I have no clue on how you would check on that...

About space, maybe just have a DANGER/CAUTION annunciator, and Clicking on it would open the larger, space-consuming panel?

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Could'nt help but get ahead of myself a little... I did this preliminary master annunciator... Your toughts?



How it should look if the user has bezel enabled.


In use (sized and placed as I would use it on my KSP), but of course everyone will find their favorite size/position/bezel_or_not combination.


Edited by ap0r
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