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[1.0.4] SteamGauges V1.7.2 - 27 July '15


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i seem to experience the same issue SERPENTINE descriped two pages back. Here is part of the log file:

ERR 19:36:23.566] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SteamGauges': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SteamGauges.SteamGauges' from assembly 'SteamGauges, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

I tried to redownload the file, tried the alternate sources, but no luck so far.

Other mods i have installed are only SCANSat and Mechjeb, both with their newest versions.

Did anybody face this issue before, or has some other solution?

Thanks for you help.

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I had this mod installed the first time it was released, and just started playing KSP again today after more then a year. Browsing down the mod list, i remembered i had this installed before, and loved it back then.

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Thanks for the tech support assist, guys. I updated the first post with some links to the toolbar thread.

I like the master annunciators, although I would consider leaving out the green annunciator. The green messages tend to be advisory, so if you want to know what is active you would just look.

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KCAN requires remote direct downloading to function, which Curse does not support. Unfortunately, neither does my alternate host (OneDrive). So for now, it looks like KCAN is out. If I ever move this to GITHUB that might change.

Oh, the other thing about the graphic is the red light is traditionally "WARNING." Otherwise I really like it, they look a lot like actual buttons. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the main panel. Don't worry about having an extra spot or so, most aircraft tried to leave a few openings for equipment added later on.

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Preliminary panel. No space for spares, it seems...


Now is the time for feedback, modifications, additions, etc, before i darken the background, duplicate it and start coloring text and designing the bezel.

Also, C/W panel text fixed.


Edited by ap0r
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I like them. Possibilities from a human factors perspective would be placing the red warning lights above the yellow cautions, along the top row if possible. Also, maybe move all the green information lights over to the right side, by the docking indicator. A possible addition would be a low altitude alert from the radar altimeter, maybe by squishing the dock light to half size.

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Interestingly enough, i find your take on it confusing... Maybe that's because on mine they're ordered based on subsystems of a kind?

Also, about removing the Gear up light, i agree on the dark cockpit concept but i tought that it would only illuminate while below, say 500 mt AGL, and when the throttle was set to idle (to prevent the embarrasing gear up landing) and not be a "dumb" light permanently illuminated whenever the gear was up.

Also you have removed the "No Chute" light (Should be on whenever it's unsafe to deploy chutes, either due to sheer speed or heat) Was that intentional or you simply forgot?

I have explained the logic behind the arrangement I've chosen here... Your toughts?


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The no chute light was an oversight, although I'm not sure how easy it would be to check for chute conditions. Otherwise, I mostly just stacked things vertically instead of in rows. And after further review, I would move the first column right two, so it would be two columns of propulsion, one of other warnings/cautions, and two columns of orbit and configuration. And yes, I'm not sure why I wasn't thinking of conditions on the gear up light.

Does anyone else have an opinion?

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The no chute light was an oversight, although I'm not sure how easy it would be to check for chute conditions.

Chutes tell you on their right click menu wether it's safe or not to deploy. If you can access that info, then the game engine takes care of the hard part for you :cool:

I think now that i seem to understand what you have in mind... Is this one better organized? I also removed the "Gear Transit" light, as it was pretty useless, and not many aircraft have more than an up/dn indication.


Also, i've made a quick rundown of the logic behind all lights... Check it out, for omissions/illogical stuff on my part... or for stuff that would be too difficult to implement.


And yeah, it'd be nice to get feedback from somebody else who would also used the mod...

- - - Updated - - -

Also do you think warnings should be acompanied by some sort of sound?

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Yeah, I'm pretty happy with that layout. Maybe swap GEAR DN and BRAKES with PANELS DEP and LIGHTS. Actually, unsafe gear indications aren't uncommon, but they are generally in the gear handle itself and not any kind of warning/caution panel, so we're safe to leave them off.

I'll have to look into getting at the UI's chute warning, hopefully won't be too much of a challenge. For ABORT, I'll probably just stick with exploded parts (shouldn't be too hard, but I haven't looked at that before), and LO FUEL is going to be total fuel, unless they have made it possible to access the state fuel percent from the UI. Wouldn't you want the OVER-G light to come on before all the crew died? I might just make it straight >15G, or cut those times in half-ish. I'll probably just let BATT DISCH flicker, these are steam gauges after all.

Sounds would be traditional, but I'll probably just leave it with resettable master warning/caution lights for the first release. Maybe later on I'll include sounds.

Edited by Trueborn
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Ready for feedback from you or other users... Still to do: Bezel, cropping.


Anyways, the text is transparent and can be illuminated from behind with the gray, red, yellow or green rectangles (off, warning, caution, advisory)


Edited by ap0r
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I like the gradient effect. As a possibility, maybe do a double gradient? Often aircraft lights have two bulbs, so that if one burns out you can still see it come on (or simply because the annunciator is wide). Just a thought. Looking forward to seeing how the bezel turns out.

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I tried double gradient, but i don't dig the result. Wich one do you like the most/hate less?

Single Bulb


Double Bulb


Also i redid the Master light, to keep font, logic and colors consistent.


PS: I've noticed that the Warning light is a bit on the pink side lol... editing....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here is version 1.7.3c (beta release). It adds the master warning/caution buttons, as well as the annunciator panel. All of the annunciators work except the abort light (still working on that). The master warning/caution lights will illuminate when an associated light comes on, and stay on until clicked. Clicking them will also show the annunciator panel if it is hidden. Feedback?
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Brilliant idea! Quick feedback after 1/2hr of stooging around with a plane:

"Bat Disc" is a bit of a PITA. All of my craft use power faster than it is generated during maneuvers so I constantly have to cancel the warnings for this and a hyperactive watchdog gets cancelled instinctively once too often when it really barks!

"No Fuel" pops up when I have a jet using LF only (must be detecting no Ox.?) Could cause false alarms with Rapier type powerplants.

Could there be a way of clicking on the individual annunciator tabs at launch to disable the warnings which aren't required?

Also, to add another couple of Wyhdonchas: Any chance of warnings for "SAS OFF" and (for us flyboys) "STALL" ?

Otherwise, keep up the good work. I can see this being another indespensiable mod! Thanks

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