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How do you re-scale a part?

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ok I like the landing strut mod. However I think the part is to small for some rockets. I tried to re-scale the part by creating a new folder. I copied everything to the new folder and renamed. I changed the part.cfg file rescale facter to 2. It appears to work great in the vab, but when I click launch the part back to it original size.

The mod making said he intends to create a larger size, but he can't do it immediately. So I thought I would try myself. But I have very limited experience.

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the answer is in the rescaleFactor. Please note that "Note that in order to retain correct node placements, the scale parameter must also be proportionally changed to match the new rescaleFactor" is in error though. if all the nodes are in their proper place before rescaling, you don't need to use scale.

sorry about the late reply, I just found the answer today myself, to add a 1m and 2m ball-bearing from Damned Robotics and TT Modular Multiwheels.

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If you create a new folder, the game will load the model/textures two times.

Just copy-paste the "part" file and give it another name. Then open it, and change both the"name" tag at the top, and the name tag above "description". Then you can rescale it or whatever, an the game will treat both as different parts, not interfering with each other.

Edited by astropapi1
Small iPod big hands. What can I do? :/
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You don't have to make copies of the whole folder. You can reuse the same model for multiple parts (this also helps performance by only loading the part and texture files ONCE.)

Here's what I do:

Copy the .cfg for the part I want to edit, and rename. You can leave it in the same folder as the original as long as it has a different file name (but you must keep the .cfg extension.)

Edit the .cfg. You must at least change the part name, (eg. Engine1 would become something like Engine_375m if I was making it a 3.75m part.) You can also edit the part description and title, but if you don't change the part name, KSP won't load both the new part and the original.

Change (or add) the rescaleFactor value. This is basically the amount of reduction or enlargement and is a decimal. So 200 percent is 2.0, 150 percent is 1.5, and 50 percent is 0.5, etc. For instance, if I was going going to make a 2.5m part a 3.75m part I would set it at 1.5.

Although note that sometimes these numbers need to be tweaked if the original model scale is not 1 to 1. Sometimes a part that should be 2/3rds (0.66) ends up being .75 or .8. You can quickly reload parts by going out to the spaceport screen, going to the F12 menu, and reloading parts. I wouldn't do this a number of times and then going straight into playing as it will sometimes use up memory reloading textures, but it's a quick way to text part scales without having to reload every time.

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