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SSTO Space Station / Fuel Depot (!) - Quite a big one too, featuring 0% Jets


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This was really just a prototype for some other project but ended up working so well I thought I'd share...

Stock (apart from MechJeb, so sue me) SSTO Space Station / Orbital Fuel Depot. / Interplanetary Explorer (more on that later).

Featuring EasyFly and 0% Jets - that's right, 0% Jets, 100% Rocket.



If using MechJeb you get this thing in to orbit by following these instructions...

1) Ensure MechJeb is configured as shown in the launchpad image.

2) Engage the autopilot aka, wake up Loly.

3) Press Space.

4) Sit back and enjoy the flight.

5) Press 1 to open solar panels because every space station must have solar panels.

Advanced EasyFly:

If you wish to use MechJeb but desire a more interactive experience, one that that will also save you a little more fuel then...

1) Ensure MechJeb is configured as in the launchpad image.

2) Engage the autopilot.

3) Press Space.

4) Sit back and enjoy the flight. But don't get too comfortable, you have important work coming up.

5) When your altitude clicks over 36km, press 0

6) Sit back and enjoy the rest of the flight.

7) Press 1 to open solar panels because every space station must have solar panels.

If you don't use MechJeb then, please, let me know how you got on. I'm a totally rubbish pilot which is why I leave MechJeb Loly at the controls.


The image on the left shows the end of a flight made using EasyFly, enough fuel left to heat a can of beans.

The image on the right shows the end of a flight made using Advanced EasyFly, there's now enough fuel left to heat two cans of beans! But ask yourself, do you really want to eat beans when wearing a space suit?

Craft File:

http://www.i2net.me.uk/files/Games/KerbalSP/Ships/Stock-SSTO-SS/Stock SSTO P SS Mk I.craft

In this form the station, while quite primitive and lacking any sort of bling, is functional, flexible and jolly useful as more than just high velocity bean warmer, just. Still, I think we can do better...

Question: Do boosters on an SSTO make it no longer an SSTO?

Just in case the answer is yes, any SSTO purists reading this should stop now.


Beyond this point there be boosters! Big Boosters.

With the addition of six atomic engines, courtesy of 3 docked tugs, and 17 big boosters, what could possibly go wrong?



If using MechJeb you get this thing in to orbit by following these instructions...

1) Ensure MechJeb is configured as shown in the launchpad image.

2) Engage the autopilot aka, wake up Loly.

3) Press Space.

4) Sit back and enjoy the flight. Don't worry if engines mysteriously switch themselves off, this is most probably by design.

5) Press 1 to open solar panels because every space station must have solar panels.

Advanced EasyFly:

If you wish to use MechJeb but desire a more interactive experience, one that that will also save you a little more fuel then...

1) Ensure MechJeb is configured as in the launchpad image.

2) Engage the autopilot.

3) Press Space.

4) Sit back and enjoy the flight. But don't get too comfortable, you have important work coming up.

5) When your altitude clicks over 36km, press 0

6) Catch your breath, the next one can be tricky

7) When your altitude clicks over 66km, press 9. This is a twitchy point, 66km may be too soon if you start adding bling etc.

6) Sit back and worry as everything appears to be going pear shaped.

7) Press 1 to open solar panels because every space station must have solar panels.

EasyFly will net you about 1010 units of fuel in 100km orbit. You can go to Mun on that, though you probably won't make orbit. But read on :)

Advanced EasyFly will net you about 1650 units of fuel in 100km orbit.

If there are any SSTO purists still reading at this point they are either part of the SSTO liberal sect or drunk, so... Lets break the rest of the rules, the other side have cookies, muhahahaha.

The main engines are attached by docking ports making for easy reconfiguration or 4 additional ports if used as a station.

Removal of the main engines - to be picked up and recycled later no doubt - gives us a DeltaV of 2040


... How far can this little SSTO SS go on 2040 DeltaV ?


Craft File:

http://www.i2net.me.uk/files/Games/KerbalSP/Ships/Stock-SSTO-SS/Stock SSTO SS Boost Mk I.craft

Loly Corp. thanks you for the time you spent reading this promotional information.

Loly Corp. assures you they will say anything to keep you quiet make you feel happy.

Edited by ecat
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