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It's not, atm. Squad is not EA. But in recent weeks they have definitely shifted towards the marketing-centered approach to information sharing common amongst larger developers.

Oh god, give it a rest would you?

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It's not, atm. Squad is not EA. But in recent weeks they have definitely shifted towards the marketing-centered approach to information sharing common amongst larger developers.

I remember when they first implemented docking. That was shown by pre-releasing to youtubers. My very first view of supported docking was on Scott Manley's youtube channel. And that was more than a few weeks ago. With stuff like the KSP weekly updates, I dont see how you can claim "secretive" information distribution. You want secretive, go play Warthunder.

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It's not, atm. Squad is not EA. But in recent weeks they have definitely shifted towards the marketing-centered approach to information sharing common amongst larger developers.

Really? They give the people who have already paid for their game sneak peaks on updates and it becomes a marketing-centered approach? :huh:

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I guess this boils down to "the olden times ", which is anything .14 and earlier - Harv was posting dev blogs (with actual code snippets etc) almost every day (at least it felt like that), we were all openly participating in experimental builds and reading the experimental forums - while I see why THAT isn't happening anymore, based on the lack of quality in a lot of the threads that were created back then - I really miss reading those threads. I actually spent more time reading bug report threads on the forums for the experimentals than I was actually playing the game..it was much more interesting for me to follow this .. and yes, compared to that kind of "openness", the weekly KSP update newsletters, and "grepping stuff out of random bits mentioned in live streams" is kinda bad.

Also, as for people shouting "this is no longer alpha, it is beta".. have you actually understood what the words mean?

An Alpha is a product in the making, which is constantly updated and added featurewise - a beta is mostly featurecomplete and in the process of being optimized, bug-squashed, etc.

If you look at this, KSP is FAR from Beta - they just created a multi-tiered process with beta-versions of new alpha-builds (the build itself is feature-complete and is now in the progress of being bug-squashed).

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Neither Alpha nor Beta mean what they used to. It basically comes down to whatever the developer in question wishes to call it. Just ask Google.

I imagine just being on Steam has some implications to the number and frequency of patches and updates.

As for the openness, they don't need us to know every little detail. They don't need our help with code. With this large of a user base, any efforts to do either detract from their own production and slow things down further.

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