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Hello! I\'ve been playing this for a few days now, and I have a few questions:

1.) What exactly is the RCS for? Is it only for added pitch/roll/yaw control?

2.) Is version 0.12.0 the bought version only? I\'m using the free download supplied on the website.

3.) Any other tips and tricks for newbies?

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Hello! Welcome to the KSP Forums and Home for the Terminally Crashing!

1.) RCS = yeah it is sued for pitch/yaw/roll but can also be used for translation i.e. sideways movement. For this to work a rocket will need RCS nozzles at top and bottom though balancing them correctly can be tricky. The I, J, K, L keys provide translation perpindicular to the rocket and H, N provide thrust \'up\' and \'down\', very handy for fine control of orbits.

2.) Version 12 is the final free version, after this updates will be for the paid for version only (unless the Squad team change their minds, not that there\'s been any indication they will)

3.) Avoid hitting the ground at high speeds! :P

Also when in doubt try a search for answers to queries, there\'s been quite a lot covered over time so an answer you seek may well be on here already :)

Have fun!

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You\'re seeing a cached version of the page then. Hold your SHIFT key down while clicking on your browsers Reload button to force your browser to reload the page from the server and not your cache.


Capt\'n Skunky


Had no idea I could do that!


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1.) RCS = yeah it is sued for pitch/yaw/roll but can also be used for translation i.e. sideways movement. For this to work a rocket will need RCS nozzles at top and bottom though balancing them correctly can be tricky. The I, J, K, L keys provide translation perpindicular to the rocket and H, N provide thrust \'up\' and \'down\', very handy for fine control of orbits.

It\'s easier than you would think; just use the 4x symmetry and place RCS blocks on the selected stage, one set as high up as you can get it, and the other set as low down as you can get them. Works for me every time!

Oh, and welcome!

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It\'s easier than you would think; just use the 4x symmetry and place RCS blocks on the selected stage, one set as high up as you can get it, and the other set as low down as you can get them. Works for me every time!

True but only if the vehicle is roughly evenly balanced around the centre of mass. Several of mine are rear end heavy (2m service modules) or otherwise uneven.

A trick I\'ve started using is to boost them straight up so they\'re in free fall outside of the atmosphere and check the RCS there. Can quickly see if things are balanced and if translation results in any rotation. Far easier than entering orbit to check :)

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