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help resizing images


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The problem you have there is that your images are square whereas the flag needs to be a rectangle, with the longest side being 1.6x the length of the shortest side. If your starting image isn't to the same ratio, you have three options; resize to the longest edge, in which case part of your original image will have bits cut off the top and/or bottom; resize to the shortest edge, which will give you a white border to fill out to the right length; stretch your image to the correct ratio before resizing, but this will distort your image making the planet an oval.

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You'd probably have to crop it to get good results. That'd probably cut out part of the planet though.

With only cropping and no other editing, it looks like this.


Also I was a little bored so I did my own take on it. You can use it if you want: It only took a quick dive into my wallpapers folder and a quick edit to make it from purple to green.


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I use Paint.net to make at least the base image for my flags and to get the ratio correct ..when you start a "new" Picture it will give you the option to set your resolution for the new canvas. Just multiply the final need image size (265 by 160 for the flag) by say ...5 that will give you a starting canvas size of 1280*800. Once your done with the design and go into resize it (given that the "maintain aspect ratio" box is checked, it will reduce the image size and keeps it's integrity. Wa-La..no more fretting over distorted images.

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