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Power to weight ratio

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Evening all from BTR Space industries

I've designed a 1.1 ton planetary probe that weighs in at 2.5 tons fully fuelled its designed to be delivered to the surface of a planet by a lander that carries 4 of them at a time(they can also be fittied with command chairs for rescue missions after the autopilot gets into a drinking contest with the waste disposal unit :))

Now.. the landing system is designed in 2 stages.... a retro pack to drop the lander out of orbit and a final descent unit that carries the probes.... all in and fuelled up it weighs 44 tons

And the thruster unit and fuel tanks added to all that make my ship wiegh in at 208 tons !!!! just to deliver 10 ton of probes to Moho's surface (and send them down that hole on the north pole 1 at a time)


And it took 6 assembly flights in LKO to build too :(

I hate this game sometimes... far too realistic...


<<challenging the life support computer to a drinking contest for the right to go up against the autopilot ... :D

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I've found a lot of the time I'm building far bigger ships than I need too (which is fun in it's own way). I enjoy making my rockets as efficient as possible with the absolute minimum needed to complete the mission.

It's surprising what you can do without when you go back to the VAB and review things.

Engineer Redux or Mechjeb (for readouts only) are essential for that though as you need to know your DeltaV and TWR.

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Because I started back in 0.8 I had big rocket designs before docking came along. Sometimes I launch 400T into orbit at a time. To be honest I guess I would have liked the challenge of docking every mission, it makes for some interesting design challenges...

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think the game should have some progression in the future, like with career mode if you earned billions of $ you can research some new denser fuel tanks and more efficient engines, maybe even make them futuristic-looking..

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