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Those darn add-ons!

Jean Deaux

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I'm pretty sure most everyone will agree that KSP is pretty awesome all it's own, but there does come a point where you want more from the game. Much of that "more" comes from some really great Mods. For myself, the drive has been having something to do when I got there, other than drive around and look at the different scenery. Adds on's like ISAMapsat, Kethane mining, for example have really brought the game to the next level. I've been watching a few of Scott Manley's videos and he's just loaded with add-ons, but I'm finding that add-ons are mainly causing game play issues. I've had issues that I've posted here in the post and the solution has always been remove the add-in and play the stock game. The issues I have with add-ons is mainly structural stability (ships falling apart while sitting on the launch pad no matter how many struts I put on) and the very irritating random ship disappearing.

I've read enough to understand that the engine is only 32bit so there's a danger in loading too many mods and I am keeping myself limited to only a few mods. I've also seen Scot Manley making several comments on the physics engine being temperamental and maybe that's really the problem and not the mods. Be that as it may, I'm jealous Scott seems to be able to run mods just fine where I on the other hand can't seem to catch a much of a break.

I see a several mods are written by the dev's of KSP, so I guess that's why I'm so confused about why the support requests from them are always "remove the mod"! Removing the mod does solve the problem, but I'm pretty sure most people will agree, we WANT the mods. So can we expect to see some of these mods integrated into the game at some point so that they are no longer "mods" and therefore no longer dirty evil red-headed step children?

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Tweak the game settings?

Don't use certain mods that are known to be wonky at best?

Have patience, its only version 0.2, very much still a beta test of what it will eventually be, and stuff will be fixed, but with each update, things change and mods need updates too.

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