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Can't plan a manuever on the blue trajectory

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The title says it all. No matter how much i zoom in or out or if i point my mouse a little higher or lower from the trajectory i still can't seem to be able to plan the manuever.I don't use many mods, only mechjeb.So any ideas?


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The title says it all. No matter how much i zoom in or out or if i point my mouse a little higher or lower from the trajectory i still can't seem to be able to plan the manuever.I don't use many mods, only mechjeb.So any ideas?


I've had a problem similar to that where I couldn't select a target after missing the button when clicking. try just leaving and re-entering map mode. Barring that, exiting to the Space Centre often resets glitchy issues like that. If that doesn't work, just exit the game and restart.

As I said, I've not had this specific problem, only similar ones.

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I have suffered also this annoying bug, but fortunately Mechjeb 2 can help. Set a node to violet part of the orbit. Then choose Mechjeb's Maneuver Editor and change time backwards.

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Or you can use mechjeb's manouver node helper to create a new node at the next PE. If you want to do it without mode you can sometimes drag the node all the way round the circle until you get to the point you want.

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Even if you create the node on the purple line, just drag it backwards along the orbit to get the node close to your craft - its the same effect as using mech jeb to bring time backwards. That's how I solve this issue... or bandaid this issue

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I just re-did the test with a manned pod (Had to remove the IonCross Crew Support mod because it removes any control from manned pods when out of power anyways). I'm fairly certain you're out of power. Open the resources tab and check your 'ElectricCharge.' My money's on it being zero. If it's a manned pod, you'll still have some control and will be able to extend your solar panels (if not already done) or fire your engines to gain some power.

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@espm400 i don't think power has anything to do with this.

Anyway, thanks to all of you Bob,after 8 years of space time, is now on Kerbin enjoying the vast seas.


Next up is a rescue mission,but the water part is a bit tricky.Any suggestions, besides swimming forever 'till I reach land?

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@espm400 i don't think power has anything to do with this.

Anyway, thanks to all of you Bob,after 8 years of space time, is now on Kerbin enjoying the vast seas.


Next up is a rescue mission,but the water part is a bit tricky.Any suggestions, besides swimming forever 'till I reach land?

There's a boat part mod here. Although I haven't used it, so can't really comment on how good it is (heard good things though).

As for the issue you were having, the only way I was able to re-create the problem you were having (and it happened every time), was to launch a rocket and let the electriccharge run down to zero. If you had solar panels on your ship, it may have been as simple as having a planet or moon in between you and Kerbol, or perhaps they weren't oriented to face Kerbol. Either way, if you drain the power on your ship (be it manned or un-manned), you cannot create maneuver nodes.

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It's a bug but what you could do is to place the node on the SOI change line with Kerbin (yellow - its very small but doable) and drag the node backward up to your ship (if you place on purple line it will stay on it while you drag). I had that problem last night returning from Jool and it helped. (And no it probably has nothing to do with power as i was flying stock with kerbals on board).

Also boat is easy, build a VTOL water plane! (and strand more Kerbals on the way:P)

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It's a bug but what you could do is to place the node on the SOI change line with Kerbin (yellow - its very small but doable) and drag the node backward up to your ship (if you place on purple line it will stay on it while you drag). I had that problem last night returning from Jool and it helped. (And no it probably has nothing to do with power as i was flying stock with kerbals on board).

Also boat is easy, build a VTOL water plane! (and strand more Kerbals on the way:P)

As I said, I removed the mods that would effect the test in question, and during said test I was unable to place a maneuver node when the power ran out, whether it was a manned or un-manned ship.

EDIT: All I'm saying is that I re-produced the circumstances of the OP's problem, and that that was the conclusion I came to. Whether or not it was a bug, in my case, it was a lack of electricity. Given that at one point or another, every one of us has either forgotten to extend our solar panels or pack enough batteries, and given the OP's location in their pic, it seemed a logical conclusion.

Edited by espm400
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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone figured out an answer to this? I frequently see this problem after reaching another planet / moon's sphere of influence. I find that I'm unable to create a node on the blue line (I often have to hover over it repeatedly until I can finally place a node). When this happens, I can usually create a maneuver node on the trajectory line outside of the moon's influence (after I escape gravity well of the moon). I have plenty of power and this seems to happen fairly reliably.

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The title says it all. No matter how much i zoom in or out or if i point my mouse a little higher or lower from the trajectory i still can't seem to be able to plan the manuever.I don't use many mods, only mechjeb.So any ideas?


Agree, this is definitely a bug, and one that's been around for quite a few versions. I see it from time to time, when there is a "changed trajectory" somewhere nearby, due to an upcoming planet encounter. Sometimes I find that if I move the mouse around enough I can eventually find ~somewhere~ on the blue line that I can add a node.

Possibly related to this: sometimes the place the "blue dot" appears is a little bit offset from the "blue line"

Does anybody know if there's a bug report somewhere for this? I was just wondering about adding one, but am not really sure what to look for to see if it's already been reported. I feel it must have been, but on the other hand it's been un-fixed for quite a few releases.

If relevant, I see this on OS X, and I play in non full screen mode...

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Unfortunately i don't know if there is a support thread, but since the problem persists through many version, it would be good to have one. Also are you changing default patched conics settings? If yes it would be good to include that information in the thread. I use CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 2 and CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 4 or 5 and have the problem described from time to time (didn't see it in current version but I've not flew any complicated missions in it yet).

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Seems to happen most often when I enter another planet's gravity well and my path takes me directly into the planet or moon. What information would be useful to share? I've only been playing since 0.21 (now on 0.22) and the problem is still there. Also seems to be a problem when my spacecraft is wobbling a little (even under 0 thrust).

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Last night when I went to Dres, I noticed that when I clicked, it would try to set up a node on the purple path that I couldn't see zoomed in, but it was physically located over the blue one. The time to node kept showing up over 300 days out. If I zoomed in really close, I was able to place a node on the blue line. Just a pain

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