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New KSP twitch Stream: some shameless self advertising.


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I've started up a twitch account and I plan on streaming almost exclusively KSP.

I'm still tinkering around with the channel, but I will be streaming at regular times around the week in the near future.

Here's a video for listening. http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09/c/2621083

Please show some love and follow my twitch channel to join the fun. http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09

Update 8/19/13: I'm back!!! after two weeks of vacation, and changing apartments, I'm finally all settled in and ready to resume streams every night at midnight EST!


hopefully I'll see you there.

Edited by Mrspoonman09
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The Triton system is completely built and assembled in LKO. Refueling operations and other Final mission preparations are underway. Duna transfer operations are set to commence at midnight Saturday night (EST) and will be broadcast on http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09.

Tritons Profile:

Part count: 443

Mass: 530 t

dry mass: 162 t

thrust: 1440 MN (24 LV-Ns)

Thrust/weight range: 0.271 - 0.888

Maximum Occupancy: 5 kerbals

Mission Crew:

Bob Kerman - Pilot and Commander

Wehrbo Kerman - Cheif Science officer

Malory Kerman - Engineering

Orney kerman - Cartography Specialist

Primary mission objective:

Successful landing on the surface of Duna followed by return to LKO

Alternate Objective:

If unforseen circumstances make a Duna landing untenable this mission can also be considered complete upon successful landing on Ike and return to LKO

Other involved spacecraft:

The KSS Serif will remain on standby in LKO to assist in the event that a rescue mission becomes necessary.

Video Footage of Triton:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Permanent Minmus Outpost Construction

With the success of Operation nightlight, a Clear landing site for the next step in the Spoony Space Program was born on Minmus, and there it has sat for two weeks while I was on vacations. The past few days I have been absolutely itching to get back into the Minmus outpost project, and at long last, I will be able to continue working on it. Tune in to http://www.twitch.tv/mrspoonman09 at Midnight Tonight EST to catch all the action!

On the agenda:

  • Design of outpost central spire
  • Primary minbase crew selection
  • Assembly of minbase central spire in LKO
  • Transfer to minmus and landing of Minbase
  • Minbase accessories, modules, and support vehicle construction (will not likely be completed until later this week)

Here's a screenie from operation nightlight 2 weeks ago. The Eris orbiter releasing a team of "nightlight" probes to land in formation to illuminate the site of future Minmus construction.


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