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'moving' parts while building.

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amateur rocketter here.

Meet my 'experimental' space plane.


Hi experimental space plane. Yes the name is on purpose... because when it flys it looks chaotic :D

Right now, the center of flight and mass are even.

But it really dislikes low altatude flight being a pain. So, on impulse, I wanted to 'extend' my wing size, give me a more 'simplistic' flight.

So, step 1, scrap (or set aside) the old wings down to the base fuselage.


Great working so far.

NOW, grab that front structural wing and rotate it, so that instead of giving the narrow wing I had before I can build it out into a nice long thing.


WUH OH. the plane ate half the wing. I tried it at several places along the body, and can't seem to find any way to stop the plane from eating half the wing... or anything else i try to put there (structural square wing plate) when i rotate it, the fuel tank there eats half of it.

Any tips/helpfull suggestions so that I can get it rotated properly and not have my fuel tank eating the wing??

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That is simply how the game places things. Rotating it will just make it clip into the part it is placed on. Try placing structural pieces or the rectangular wings so you can place the triangular one on those wings.

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