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Well, been playing with KSP since version 8.x, and I love it.

At version 11.1 I decided to try the Sun challenge, and managed to get there (13,560,000M+) and get back to Kerbin with stock parts. I did not make it to the landing area tho. (close, could see the landing area from about 1000 m up).

I picked up the 12x4 experimental when I read about Mun?! I decided to see if I could at least orbit and return. First attempt I orbited, but ran out of fuel.

Second attempt, I orbited and performed a transmunar injection to Kerbin. Unfortunately I again ran out of fuel. Obviously, it is time to break out some astrophysics calculations to better time the injection burn. 800,000m PE just wasn\'t going to cut it. If I had waited on the burn a bit longer, I would have nailed it with fuel to spare for De-orbit.

Anyway, looking forward sharing with everyone and seeing if I can land and return. I\'d love to see a docking capability so we could keep the orbiter (with fuel to return) above the Mun.

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