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Introducing the "NEW" KERBAL F-14

Loabstatainment is here to release their totally "new" creation that was pure 100% perspiration, no innovation required!

Well there was a lot of innovation required, and not only that but we had to "motivate" the boys with the drawing boards to make something so great, so new, SO KERBAL!

And when we say we "motivated" them we had to beat them senseless...

But from the inhumane errr I mean inkerbal beating we got this elegant beauty which can sweep its wings back.


Our plane fully utilizes the B9 lovely parts, to make it elegant as ever!


And to fold the wings back and go supersonic it is as easy as folding the wings back*



*supersonic speed is not achievable with this model

Protip from our test pilots: "DO NOT FLY WITH OUT SWEEPING THE WINGS BACK"

Action Groups

  1. Toggle Quantum struts

...that's pretty much it

To sweep the wings use 'o' and 'p'

Enjoy, and safe flying


Mods used are

  1. B9
  2. TT wheels
  3. Damned Robotics


Disclaimer any ingury or deaths from this plane are not the responsibility of Loabstatainment, espicially if you did not heed our warning about flying without sweeping the wings back. Loabstatainment is a trademark of the Loabsta company no usage is allowed

Edited by Loabstas
Didnt include download link
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