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Store History of Kerbals

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Although a small suggestion, I thought this could be kind of cool:

Recovering a Kerbal(s) and his ship should add the important events of the trip to his history, maybe even make his courage go up and stupidity down (or courage go down and stupidity go up if he crashed right after take off and lived). Then you could have a good crew (Bill, Jebediah, and Bob of course :) ) with a long history.

Some of the things that could possibly be on the history tab (or it could be a little description that pops up when you click on the Kerbal in the astronaut complex):

"Number of launches: "

"Number of planes piloted: "

"Number of rovers driven: "

"Has orbited [or entered the SoI of] (planet)" //Would be repeated for how many planets (if it was on the list)

"Has landed on (planet)" //Would be repeated for how many planets (if it was on the list)

"Has orbited [or entered the SoI of] (number of planets orbited) planets."

"Has landed on (number of planets landed on) planets."

"Longest trip: "

"Farthest trip: "

"Distance traveled in atmosphere: "

"Distance traveled in vacuum: "

"Distance traveled on land: "

"Distanced traveled total: "

"Time spent in space: (Year, Months, Day, Hours, [Minutes?], [seconds??])"

I think it would be cool to be able to have a best pilot (obviously it will always be Jebediah, but you get my point). It would be stats you can look back on. It would also be easy to implement (I would imagine), and finally Jebediah will be able to show off how he actually has taken off without exploding (just once).

Edited by Deejay2000
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Yeah I've always enjoyed Stats in games, and with the new Kerbal Management, and Career Mode coming, then I think it would fit in perfectly. In my oppinion, Stats need to be bought back to Games fulltime, cough -Achievements- cough, have unfortunately taken over "keeping track" of things you do, which is a shame.

But you're missing the most important stat though Deejay, which is "Number of times Escaped from a Fiery Death!"

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I like this idea, but it seems like a whole lot of work for little pay off. But who knows what career mode has in store.

I don't think this would be a whole lot of work. It would seem rather easy to put into the game. I just thought it would be kind of cool to be able to see how many times Jebediah has destroyed his ship, and how many times Bill landed on the Mun to pick Jebediah up. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you check your persistent file, I think it already logs your spacecraft history under progress - you know, what planets its orbited, how far its travelled-, I don't think it would be a massive leap to do the same for individual Kerbals. I agree with ravener, I think it may be planned.

In fact having looked at the persistent file again, it appears all command pods and probe bodies have a hidden 'trip logger' module that records where they flew, flew-by, orbited and suborbited, adding a similar thing for the crew and storing it shouldn't be too hard

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  • 3 weeks later...

This would be great. I think it would be good if as well, when you recover the spacecraft you got the chance to write a little note about the mission, and save it as completed, which would add it to your Kerbal's history as well as to a general mission log. So as well as your "hours spent in space", "maximum speed achieved", "maximum height", "highest G force pulled" etc. for your Kerbals, you'd also have little bits of information like "flew on Kerbolo 1". You could then click on the Kerbolo 1 (or whatever you decided to call that mission) to pull up statistics for that mission, and look at the other Kerbals who were involved.

Basically, moar stats. Moar stats for everything!

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  • 1 month later...

With career and science now in the game, individual kerbal stats could be used to determine how efficient the return of information is. A more experienced kerbal would bring back more science. And as such, losing him would be a greater loss to the program, after time and money were invested to get the best kerbonaut possible.

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I absolutely support the idea about keepeng kepbal history, but I think that modifications of parameters of kerbals should be separated from this suggestion. Kerbal parameters must depend on different stuff and incorporating RPG elements in the game is not a priority now.

But each player keeps history of his kerbals in his mind and the necessity of kerbal history journal is obvious.

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Plus 1000. And a Kerbalnauts experience should really should affect how well things go. ... Which brings me to: Kerbalnaut training. I'm sure it's planned, and I hope it gets there soon.

GREAT update Squad!! \o/

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Make it to where you can click on a kerbal to see his achievements in the form of badges like our forum sigs would be cool too. Hover over the badge to see everything completed highlighted, and anything not completed grayed out.

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I prefer this kind:

Year 2011, day 14, 15:23:42

First takeoff from kerbin! [Kerbal name], [kerbal name] and [kerbal name] was the first ones off the ground with their trusty [vehicle kind and name].

Year 2011, day 34, 12:15:02

[vehicle name] first contact with Mun!

+experiments (click to expand)

+crew (click to expand)


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