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is this safe to do

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I am like everyone else is having fun with the new version of KSP, but some of my crafts has parts on them that are no longer being seen like the Older version of mechjeb, or the the Orda Computer you might have used a months ago and have forgotten about.

so my question is, is it safe to go into the code and locate the bit that talks about the part you are having issues with and then remove it.


part = Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427702
partName = Part
pos = -1.525252,34.75948,-0.6835561
rot = -0.2181241,0.1928457,-0.9556647,-0.04401577
attRot = 0,0,-0.9999999,0
mir = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sidx = -1
sqor = -1
attm = 1
sym = Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427368
sym = Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427322
sym = Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427276
srfN = srfAttach,Mark1-2Pod_4293450842
name = ModuleLight
isEnabled = True
isOn = False
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Lights Off
guiName = Lights Off
category = Lights Off
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = True
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Lights On
guiName = Lights On
category = Lights On
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
actionGroup = Light
actionGroup = Custom01
actionGroup = None

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I have no idea if this would work. What you could do however is make a copy of the craft file, then remove the parts from the copy. If that works then great, but if not then you still have a copy. It shouldn't mess up your game either.

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If you're careful and make a backup, you should be fine.

I've edited many ships this way... :D

Just make sure when your remove a part to remove the references to it. Lemme explain :

- let's imagine you have an old mechjeb attached to a pod

- you remove the mechjeb part

- but you should check if your pod still mentions the mechjeb part and remove that reference


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Yeah, should be fine. Worst case you get the `Hello WorldHello World` error and have to restart KSP.

- Make a backup of your craft file.

- Find parts from mods that don't work.

- Copy their id `part = Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427702`. From your snippet, I pulled out these:

  • Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427702
  • Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427368
  • Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427322
  • Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427276

- Delete those parts.

- Find references to the part id. `link = Kosmos.Common.LED.Flood.Light_4293427702`

- Delete the link records.

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