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[MISSION REPORT] Jank Co. Aerospace Division [M-4]


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Mission 1: Assay of the Internation Kerbal Space Station "Zues"

Objective: Launch of the purpose built "Mini Explorer Mk. 1" to assay the IKSS "Zues"

Background: Jank Co. Aerospace Division, continuing it's goal of making the IKSS solvent again, launches a mission to the IKSS to determine it's worth to the program, or how much scrap they can get. This being the first manned mission all the astronaughts wanted to e the first for JCAD. Managemnt unable to hand the volume of requests unplugged the phone. Price point being the most important of factors, Bill Kerman being the least paid in the organization was given the dudy very grudgingly (He told management he'll fly it for free).

Vehicle Series: Mini Explorer Mk. I

Pilot: Bill Kerman

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