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Long wings + a Gravity bomb


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  greatorder said:

the ideas people come up with on these forums are worse (sanity-wise) than on the DF forums. next thing we know, people will make a 'digging machine'

Actually, I'm working on a fortress design. It will be launched either as a whole piece or in stages, depending on the development stage of the game, and will be mounted with several (dozens of) orbital bombardment devices. These are likely to be unspent solid thrusters or spent fuel containers, depending on the kinetic punch desired.

(If you read the DF forums at all, you should recognize me.)

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  • 5 months later...

Threads should auto-lock after 3 months, IMO. The original poster should be able to bring their thread back to life, in case they left for a while, and wanted to finish their project.

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  Cepheus said:

Threads should auto-lock after 3 months, IMO.

Do you know off hand if SMF has this feature or can be added via a plugin?

I can always pester the powers that be to set something like this up. I\'ve often thought about it myself.


Capt\'n Skunky

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I don\'t know, but I think we need some sort of thread lock feature...
Threads should auto-lock after 3 months, IMO

Why? The rule against necroing threads that some people seem to feverently believe in is the most retarded internet rule I know of. It makes NO SENSE!

If people feel so strongly they should stop using forums and use IRC, there will be no necromancy there.

Forums are a source of information and by locking threads and preventing people from participating you lock out a lot of that information.

Can someone please enlighten me as to why on Earth this \'rule\' exists? I\'m nearly 30 and I still don\'t understand it :) It seems totally contradictory to the idea of internet forums.

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Since this forum is about a game in active development, posts from 90+ days ago often contain information that is no longer relevant or useful to the current build and only goes to further confuse new users. Also, it\'s not like the information is being removed, it\'s still available for anyone to read even if only for posterity. Forums aren\'t like history where old facts and information can be used to better the future, sometimes old information just becomes invalid.

In the case of this specific thread, the OP hasn\'t posted since last July. The forums went through an upgrade that invalidated links to downloads making this pack unavailable. Also, there have been significant changes to the game that will have broken this mod. If it were still downloadable, can you imagine the support nightmare for us?

Unless the original author cares to come back and make a statement about their updating the parts or allowing someone else to continue the mod, there\'s no point to leaving this thread open.

Keep in mind, this is not about active threads that may have been started long ago, it\'s about threads that cease activity for over 90 days. If the thread was locked, someone could always start a new thread inquiring about the parts.


Capt\'n Skunky

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