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Explosive Propulsion Laboratories Mission Log Repository [Pic Heavy]


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Explosive Propulsion Laboratory

The EPL was the brainchild of a few chemistry students at Sfaldtech who followed in the footsteps of Robba Zoddard, who was known for "glorious" experiments (explosions) in early rocketry. Their initial experiments in rocket technology ended up accidentaly destroying the "Fire and Other Warm Stuff" wing of Sfaldtech and were consequently expelled. However, the "Explosion Kids" kept working on their designs, and built the world's first effective liquid-fuelled rocket engine, the "Mad Dragon." The government hired the inventors, and the EPL was founded officially.

Year: 1956

Current Goals: Broadcast a message from orbit (SCOPE sattelite)

Past Missions:

Experimental Plane- X-2-Failure

Orbital rocket- Ixploror-Junco I-Success

Suborbital Rocket- Orangerock I-Partial Success

Experimental Plane- EATO (Explosive Assisted Take-Off)-Success

Suborbital Rocket- Skyelurk I-Success

Edited by Lazro
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Skyelurk I

Mission Goals:

  • Test Ixploror payload capacities
  • Test the Rockodyne prototype B0-A solid-fueled rocket
  • Collect information on upper atmosphere and space via on-board instruments

Staging outlay:

Stage 3: 1 Ixploror payload (Reliability: 80%)

Stage 2: 8 "Firecracker" solid-fueled rocket motors (Reliability: 80%)

Stage 1: 1 B0-A Solid-fueled rocket motor (Reliability: 60%)

Hereby to be referred to as the "Skyelurk 0" launch vehicle.

Mission Statistics:

All goals completed.

Ixploror payload destroyed upon re-entry into atmosphere.

All "Firecracker" SFRMs destroyed.

B0-A shell recovered for later use.

Apoapsis of suborbit pegged at approximately 97000 meters, margin of error 100 meters.

Pictures and Artist's depictions:


Skyelurk I on the launchpad. The EPL's flag can be seen in the background.


A photograph taken as the spacecraft lifts off.


Ixploror in flight. Artist's Depiction.

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Orangerock I

Mission goals:

  • Test "PMG-13 Orangerock" missile for viability as a launch vehicle
  • Continue observations of upper atmosphere and space Failed

Staging outlay:

Stage 2: 1 Ixploror Payload (Reliability 85%)

Stage 1: 1 LV-T20 Liquid-fueled rocket motor (Reliability 75%)

Hereby to be referred to as the "Orangerock I" launch vehicle.

Mission statistics:

Payload failed to separate from launch vehicle, all 4 antenna collided with launch vehicle upon deployment and broke off.

Entire rocket destroyed upon re-entry.

Apoapsis pegged at 249,700m, +-100m.

Additional Conclusions:

Orangerock I requires a change of decoupling equipment before the next flight.

Orangerock I has been approved as a standard launch vehicle and first stage.



Ixploror-Orangerock on the pad.


A photograph taken about 30 seconds after launch. The photographer was asleep until he was woken up by the noise, don't knock the picture quality.

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Ixploror I

Mission Goals:

  • Space
  • Go there
  • and stay there for a while

Staging outlay:

Stage 5: Ixploror B payload (Reliability: 87.5%)

Stage 4: 8 "Firecracker" SFRMs (Reliability: 85%)

Stage 3: 8 "Firecracker" SFRMs (")

Stage 2: 24 "Firecracker" SFRMs (")

Stage 1: Stretched "Orangerock" stage. (Reliability: 80%)

Hereby to be known as "Junco I"

Mission Statistics:

Final orbit is stable and does not re-enter atmosphere.

Apoapsis pegged at 629,100m, margin of error +-100m.

Periapsis pegged at 76,000m, margin of error +-100m.

Inclination is roughly 88 degrees.

Photographs and Artist's impressions


The Ixploror-Junco on the pad.


Rising under the power of the LV-T20 rocket engine.


Ixploror silhouetted against the Sun whilst in orbit. Artist's impression.

Edited by Lazro
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Mission Goals:

  • Fly faster than Mach 2 in a rocket-powered aircraft FAILED
  • Land aircraft intact FAILED

Staging outlay:

Stage 2: X-2 Experimental Airplane, Pilot Herlorf Kerman (Reliability 60%) FAILED

Stage 1: B-90 "Ultrafortress" (Reliability 90%)

Mission Statistics:

Pilot killed

Horizontal stabilizers broke off of X-2 aircraft, Ejection seat failed



Craft on the runway.


"Craft is flying fine, all gauges read normal."


"The ejection seat motors have failed, tell my wife that I love he--*CZzHHHHHhhhH*

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