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The Muninator Series

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These are my crafts in the Muninator series. I had lots of fun developing each of them, and all of them are munar-grade rockets and have varying levels of ability to get to the mun, BUT I have been able to touch each one of them on the mun and make it back to Kerbin.

Muninator I:


This was really a test design and looks TERRIBLE and wobbles a lot, but it still has the capability of making it to the mun.

Muninator II:


A step in the right direction, this ship even has nosecones, and a general good looking design. A major issue with this ship is its lack of ability to steer in the first stage. MUST stay straight up until considerably out of atmosphere...

Muninator III:


This ship is only a slight variant to the II, differing only in a few minor design changes, but even these few changes drastically increase handling ability and general ease of making it to the Mun.

Muninator IV:


This was my attempt at the common saying 'add more boosters'. I used a very small main rocket and kept adding boosters until i had the ability to get it to the mun. Note: This rocket lagged even my computer, so I wouldn\'t attempt it on a shit comp...

The Muninator V is currently under development, I shall edit this post when it is finished.

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