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What mods should I get?

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The kethane mod allows you to detect kethane in deposits from space. You can then land there, drill for it and convert it into fuel. This allows unlimited hopping between planets/moons.


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The most base mods you could get is KW rocketry for rocket parts, B9 Aerospace for (mostly) plane parts, Kerbal Engineer for flight info, and Mechjeb for the same+autopilot functionality. There's a whole heaping ton of mods, you should really go on a case-by-case basis, i.e, which mod fulfills your current parts/plugin needs.

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I did a list not too long ago in response to a similar question, but can't find it. Oh well... Off the top of my head, here's a few that I use:

(Names in parenthesis () are the short names of the mods that are generally understood in the forums)


Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR) comes to mind as a must have. Especially if you plan on trying your hand at spaceplane design. The base game has a really poorly implemented aerodynamic and drag model. FAR basically just adds a proper one.

Crew Manifest: It hasn't been updated for the new release yet, but very handy. The recent KSP update implemented some of what was in this mod, but it also allows you to name your Kerbals and adjust their stats. Not to mention the most important part; if your ship has more than one crewed pod (e.g. space stations), it allows you to move the crew around without requiring them to do an EVA.

Kerbal Alarm Clock: I've never used this one before, but I've heard good things. Prevents you from time-warping past maneuver nodes and such.

Chatterer: Really small mod, but can add some really good immersion. Just simulates communication between ground control and your ship.

MechJeb: This one does it all. It provides any form of in-game information you could ever ask for. I would recommend that you don't use any of the autopilots it provides (add it provides a lot of them) until you've gotten yourself a firm grasp on the game. I've been playing for near to a year, and I personally never use them.


KW Rocketry (KW) and/or AIES Aerospace (AIES): Both of these are fairly large part mods that just increase your options when it comes ship building. Huge amount of new parts, from fuel tanks, to engines, to fairings, etc. You really should have one of these (I use KW).

B9 Aerospace (B9): If you want to build spaceplanes or SSTOs, this pack is a must. Like what KW and AIES do for rockets, this one does for spaceplanes (plus a bunch of really cool cockpits to boot). Just another huge amount of parts in your inventory.

Procedural Wings (pWings) and Procedural Fairings: Two mods by different authors. pWings allows you to create your own wing shapes and Procedural Fairings creates a set of fairings molded to your payload. Very handy.

Kerbal Attachment System (KAS): It's basically just a couple winches with almost limitless possibilities. You can use them for cranes, as a method for resource transfer in bases, or even just as a trailer hitch.

ISA MapSat: A part/plugin mod that allows you to create mapping satellites to make topographical maps of any body in the Kerbol system. It's still under development, so you might need to tinker a bit to get it working properly, but usually it works just fine.

Aviation Lights: Exactly what it says. Navigation lights for your aircraft (red, green, white, blue, and a couple strobes).

Romfarer's Lazor System: This is actually a series of mods. I've been using it for months and have barely scratched the surface of it. I mainly use it for the 'Robotic Arms Pack,' but the missile pack is great for clearing unwanted debris.

FusTek Station Parts Expansion: Just a bunch of really awesome space station/base building parts. The mod page can give you a much better explaination than I can


These mods, you might want to hold off on until you have a fairly firm grasp on the basic concepts of the game, as they can be quite game changing. Also don't do what I did and install them all at once, unless you want to have a very confusing (see: Kerbal Massacre) night...

RemoteTech: This one requires you to setup a proper communications relay system in order to use your unmanned probes. Comes with a bunch of parts.

IonCross Crew Support: This mod basically requires you to put a functioning life support system (parts are included) on your craft to provide your crew with oxygen and remove carbo dioxide. If you don't, your Kerbals will die, simple as that.

Deadly Re-entry (DRE): Again, just like what it sounds like: if you don't put a heat shield on your craft, or slow yourself down during re-entry, like I said above, your Kerbals will die (while on fire), simple as that. It now also models g-forces, so you also have to keep that in mind when taking off and re-entering. Some parts will break at different g-loads, but it's best to keep them low (I've pulled 6gs in an Extra, it's a rush, but not very fun in the long run...)

I'm sure I've overlooked a few, but I hope this list helps you on your way.

Oh, and welcome to KSP.

EDIT: When I get some more time tonight, I'll update this post with links to all of these. Right now though, I need me some chicken wings.:cool:

EDIT Mk II: I didn't mention Kethane, but even though it's mentioned above, I'll iterate it again. Very good mod.

EDIT Mk III: I gots me my chicken wings... Anyways, I've linked all of the mods to their respective mod thread. Also added FusTek's Station Parts Expansion, because it's awesome. Please note, if you want ISAMapSat you'll have to follow the link to the authors blog at the bottom of the first page of the mod thread. Mmmm chicken wings...

Edited by espm400
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I recommend KSPX (Kerbal stock part expansion)


Basically another parts mod but it does it's best to capture the look of the game and balanced accordingly. That's why it's referred as unofficial stock parts. It won't hold that title for long because it's so good that it's being slowly assimilated into the game. That's where we got the cupola pod and MK I lander can, and all of the new parts this patch.

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The two I fell in love with are Mechjeb and Quantum Struts (no more ugly struts, just a beam of light and less struts needed overall). As for parts I keep uninstalling mods that add them to the game because I decide I don't like the parts and I hate sifting through pages of stuff to get at what I want.

That said I did find a parts package that I like is NovaPunch.

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  luchelibre said:
Am I missing something? I find Subassembly Manager the greatest thing since sliced bread but I don't see it mentioned much at all here lately in these sorts of threads.

I haven't used it, otherwise, from what I've heard anyway, it would probably be on my list. Personally, I don't really need it since I've got a set of very stable lifters that I just build my payloads on top of. With the exception of my X-15 dropship (never finished it), I've never really needed to import one ship onto another.

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My 2 cents.

Every mod brings along many changes, I personally install them one or two at a time and get used to them before installing another to make it manageable.

Quite a few mods still haven't been updated for the newest patch, and there are a LOT of mods to choose from. So;

Essential information; you're playing blind without this.

MechJeb - It's mind bendingly enormous in what it can do, including displaying any and every single piece of information about you, your craft, and your surroundings you could ask for. It's also an autopilot in many shapes and forms.

Kerbal Engineer - A slightly simplified form of MechJeb, provides essential information during construction and flight including your weight, thrust, delta-v, bearing and many, many more invaluable bits of information. I prefer it over MechJeb personally as I find it's easier to read. Does not have an autopilot, and I find flying manually is more fun.

Kerbal Alarm Clock - You can set yourself alarms of any kind. Must have if you are planning on one or several interplanetary flights.

Protractor - Provides invaluable information for interplanetary flights, transferring from one planet to another is painful and inefficient without it.

Subassembly Manager - A mod that allows you to save specific sections of your craft. Want to switch your payload from an unmanned probe to a manned rover? You no longer have to rebuild the entire craft.

Essential utilities; you're relatively limited with what you can do without these.

ISAMapSat - Create detailed maps of planets and moons including height maps, allows you to plan for certain if your glorious Kerbal mun base will sit atop a plateau, or dead centre in a crater.

Kethane - Introduces an entirely new concept to the game; mining for resources, in particular Kethane, a fuel you can use to refuel your crafts. Suddenly long term expeditions and bases are viable without having to endlessly ferry heavy fuel from home.

Kerbal Attachment System - Hooks, connectors, anchors and more. You can now drag objects with cables, anchor yourself to ground, create utility vehicles and much, much more. How does a highly unorthodox Kerbal transportation launcher system sound?


PartCatalog - Creates additional menus and tabs for your parts. Absolutely must have if you're installing several part packs and do not enjoy listing through several pages just to find that one part you want from the stock game.

B9 Aerospace Pack - Introduces plenty of new plane parts, high quality and recommended.

KW Rocketry - The go-to pack for more and a few bigger quality rocket parts. Includes fairings.

Nova Punch 2 - Similar to Rocketry, a huge parts pack with plenty of everything.

Aviation Lights - Exactly what it says. Introduces 'realistic' lights with several modes. Also good for disco parties.

HooliganLabs Airships - Introduces balloons and airships.


Chatterer - Space is awfully quiet save for the roaring of engines. This mod introduces radio chatter between crafts, mission control, and remote probes.

Completely overhauls the game;

Ferram Aerospace Research - Introduces proper aerodynamics into the game. Nose cones and farirings have a significant purpose now. Wildly rebalances the game, and takes quite a bit of time to learn.

Deadly Re-entry - Introduces proper re-entry, your crafts risk overheating and disintegrating when re-entering atmosphere. As far as I know is designed to work alongside with Ferram Aerospare Research. Makes the game much harder.

and to a lesser extent,

IonCross Crew Support - Kerbals actually use their lungs now; introduces life support to your craft. One more thing to manage and take care of.

These are just off the top of my head, there are many more. Search around and try them for yourself.

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