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Speedy Ship Mk. 14 6975 m/s PLUS NEWER MK. 15 7151.5 m/s PLUS MK. 16 7515 m/s.

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Started out with speedy ship mk. 1 which got me just over 4000 m/s, then kept on tweaking it and fiddling with the weight I pulled up, and with a bit of piloting practice I've brought it up to an impressive 6975 m/s.

Here's a video of it in action:

Hope you guys like it.

And now attached is mk. 15, this one can go 7151.5 m/s. No video on this one but I do have a picture of the end product for you guys. It's the same thing but with a fourth fuel tank at the final stage.

And now the next one is ready, this one's gotten up to 7513 m/s. It's been added as an attachment.

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I've only used your second ship but it's really good. I'm currently at 20000 m/s and climbing! I had to jettison the second to last liquid stage because of extensive wobbling though.

The wobbling is normal, it may bob back and forth but in my experience it hasn't ever tipped completely over.

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I've only used your second ship but it's really good. I'm currently at 20000 m/s and climbing! I had to jettison the second to last liquid stage because of extensive wobbling though.

Are you using modded parts...? How did you make it to 20km/s with that?

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Are you using modded parts...? How did you make it to 20km/s with that?

I've never edited any of my parts but I do have a number of addon parts installed, but I don't think that would effect it would it?

I got that fast by limiting the thrust on the first stage until I got past the atmosphere. I also used about 1/2-3/4 of the second to last liquid stage before jettisoning it. Other than that, I don't think I did anything else special.

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I've never edited any of my parts but I do have a number of addon parts installed, but I don't think that would effect it would it?

I got that fast by limiting the thrust on the first stage until I got past the atmosphere. I also used about 1/2-3/4 of the second to last liquid stage before jettisoning it. Other than that, I don't think I did anything else special.

If your mods/addons are strictly new parts and not edits to the stock ones then no, I don't see how they could affect it.

I think limiting your thrust was the key. I've been meaning to play around with that - obviously air resistance is killer, so if it's more efficient to plod steadily out of the atmosphere at 100m/s than it is to blast full speed ahead the whole way up, you'd end up with more fuel once you hit vacuum... which could make a huge difference. Definitely gonna have to try that with some of my rockets the next chance I get!

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I've only used your second ship but it's really good. I'm currently at 20000 m/s and climbing! I had to jettison the second to last liquid stage because of extensive wobbling though.

And uh... why are there only 2 other stages in the picture?

This has like what, 5 stages or something?

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And uh... why are there only 2 other stages in the picture?

This has like what, 5 stages or something?

It has something like 5 stages, yes. I took the screenshot at the time I did because I had basically escaped kearth's gravity and didn't feel like waiting for the final stage to burn out. I ended up at around 32000 m/s after it did.

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You also get a better top speed if you expend your fuel flying sideways once you get to around 25km altitude. It doesn't matter what direction you are going if you're past escape velocity (so long as you don't pass through the atmosphere), and it is a lot more energy to bring all your fuel straight up. This guy explains it:

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I was trying it out, and on my way up (don't remember, but if I had to guess it was around 8000-15000 meters) something broke off as if overheated from the center at the bottom, but there weren't any overheat bars and it didn't look like anything was missing. I wasn't using overthrust either. I still managed to break away from Kearth's gravity, although I could only barely make it to 6000m/s and now I'm back down in the 5800s. Not as fast as I was hoping for, but it still beats my best of about 4500m/s.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I probably should have looked at the stages while I had the chance so I could figure out what specifically broke off :\

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Really? Did you put the throttle all the way up? That's the only way to get it started.

Ah I got it after turning up the throttle. Thanks. That thing was wobbly at first but I kept going and got up to 7.2k with the MK 16.

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  • 11 months later...

This thread is almost a year old. Please refrain from bumping threads this old and look at the date of the post above! I understand that you are new here, but please check these things; it\'s quite an unwritten rule among most forums not to bump very old threads.

The reason you cannot download it is probably because of a server move that happened quite a long time ago, that corrupted or deleted many attachments. Maybe you could beat this record and post a ship of your own? ;)

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