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Docking and the new ASAS

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When docking, I need my ship to remain pointed in a particular direction I set regardless of what happens. Now I know my RCS thruster positions aren't the most balanced, but it would be great if ASAS in docking mode didn't allow craft orientation changes to persist and not be corrected fully as they were pre-0.21.

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When docking, I need my ship to remain pointed in a particular direction I set regardless of what happens. Now I know my RCS thruster positions aren't the most balanced, but it would be great if ASAS in docking mode didn't allow craft orientation changes to persist and not be corrected fully as they were pre-0.21.

A known bug is that the new ASAS will insist on snapping to vectors.

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The new SAS does try to maintain attitude, so if you're using RCS during docking, then when translating, the SAS will use some RCS to correct your attitude. If your RCS is at least attempted to balance, it should stay pretty close to your locked heading.

Additionally, the not so announce addition, was if you have Fine Controls on, the RCS will attempt to balance itself as well, depending how far the thruster is from CoM. This will reduce the overall thrust available, so your movements will be slower, but also your attitude drift should be lower as well, so the SAS will use less Mono maintaining.

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