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Nerd³'s Challenge

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There is a youtuber and his name is channel name is Nerd³. He did a video on this game not too long ago

and in that video at around the 22 minute mark, he said he wanted to land on the fourh moon of Jool, Bop, and that is the goal of this challenge.


  • No Mods (MechJeb is ok)
  • I must see proof through screenshots in reply (Videos will also work)
  • No Cheating


  • Main Score: Total units of Fuel at start subtracted by part count at start
  • Score Factor: Manned Spacecraft, Double Main Score
  • Score Factor: Return To Kerbin (safely), Triple Main Score

Good Luck! :wink:

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Hi, and welcome to the forums. I do have to tell you though, that this challenge very lackluster. Most veteran KSP'ers can land on Bop without much difficulty, as it has a very low surface gravity and is not extremely difficult to get to following a Jool Aerobrake. If you would like to keep this challenge, change it up a little - add more criteria such as "Lowest weight on Bop," because just landing as a challenge is... boring. Anyone can decide to do that on their own. Please do take note of the Challenge submission guidelines at the top of Challenges forum, because i believe you're violating rules #1, #3 and #5. By the way, why would your Main Score be based off of Fuel starting - Part count? I could build my ship with 16 Rockomax -64's at the start before my transfer, with 2880 fuel apiece for 1 part. Try just the part count as a score.

While i do have to put in a disclaimer that i haven't yet landed on Bop, i have a ship in the works for it. Plenty of other Forum Mods may come to tell you that this isn't worth the challenge as it stands though, so i recommend revision. Also note that many players like to see an attempt by the challenger before attempting the challenge, so don't give us challenges just because you think they might be possible.

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Err? That's even easier than Bop. 3.5k units of fuel is ~1 Big Orange Tank plus some extra. That's really quite a lot.

Incidentally, lightest lander on Bop is a kerbal. (Though I'm not sure they carry enough rcs to do a land-and-return :P)

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