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Kerbin to Mun speed challenge

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This challenge is very simple: Get from Kerbin to Mun as quickly as possible. The quickest time wins! Please don't hate on me if a similar challenge exists, I went through a few pages and couldn't find one :P


- Stock only.

- No MechJeb or other autopilot mods - you can use them in the VAB or SPH to measure things, but you must remove them before flight.

- Mods like Kerbal Engineer Redux and Kerbal Alarm Clock etc. are allowed, as these do not directly affect your craft's behavior.

- You may use part clipping if you so wish.

- Try to keep your lander in one piece - crashing it to the surface so that only the command module remains is a bit cheaty, isn't it? :) Besides, that will only save you a few minutes at most.

How to enter:

1) Take a screenshot of your craft on the ground.

2) Fly to the Mun and take a screenshot of your F3 menu. Make sure your total flight time is visible. EDIT: You do not have to do this, you can also take a screenshot with the GUI open so that the mission time counter in the top corner is visible.

3) Post them in this thread! You can also add your craft's name if you want it to be shown on the leaderboard.

You are, of course, free to add other screenshots as well.

I will not post my result before I'm sure I haven't set the bar too high.

That's all you need to know, now get building! :)


1) gm537 - 1:35:57 in the Hermes II

2) Xeldrak - 6:02:04 in the ChemRock Launch Vehicle

3) Affan - 7:56:13 in the Solstice 1.25 {Phoenix Industrial}

Edited by CaptainKorhonen
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Hey, I have an entry. Nothing as fast as the guy in the video, I used a traditional rocket I set off Kerbin towards the Mun. Craft Name: Solstice 1.25 {Phoenix Industrial}

Here Is the Screenshot of my Arrival on the Moon With Samoly Kerman. Time Taken - 07:56:13 (7hrs, 56min and 13 seconds)


Now Here Is The Craft having landed back at Kerbin, everything still intact. Time Taken - 1:07:51:54 (1 day, 7hrs, 51min and 54 seconds)


First entry! So I get to be 1st on the leaderboard for a while. It was a pretty simple craft, no rcs really, just some rockets and aero parts. My Suggestion for anyone doing it after reading my post is by creating a second-last stage which would stay in orbit round the mun and the lander could undock and land, then rendesvous and dock and the second-last stage could probably thrust you back to kerbin quicker.

Edited by Affan
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Here is my entry with a Kerbin to Mun landing time of 1:35:57 and back to Kerbin in time for dinner with a time of 2:37:38. The ship's name is Hermes II.

On the launch pad


At the Mun


Back at Kerbin


For the challenge are we only supposed to land on the Mun? Or return to Kerbin? It seems like the Kerbin to Mun is the part being timed.

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