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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Alright, it looks pretty even.... im ready to fight when you are. You may go first.

And yeah this is going to make history this battle! 1500 tons of Kerbal steel going head to head. Just keeping frindly ships from colliding is going to be a challenge.

EDIT perhaps we should make our fleets slightly farther away from one another. they are really slowing up the game because theyre all loaded at the exact same time. nevermind its fine.

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I've posted a new thread titled KSP Naval Academy for any that are interested. I will be discussing tactics and strategies that may help in an impending engagement. The post is open for debate and critique and we will firstly be discussing the roll of the space carrier, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to equip and support fighters. Im also going to be linking it to a new youtube series I'm gona be running with the same title. The show is just to give a more practical visualization of each scenario described. This will also be a good place to test each of your ship designs and compare them. I've come up with a testing benchmark and will give each ship a rating of 1-10 in its class and an overall rating of 1-10 out of all classes. If you want to help judge I'd love the help because quite frankly there are a lot of ships. lol

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Greetings, gentlemen, I will be your commander for the evening, speaking to you from the top secret KIDA command bunker. Time to begin the assault and rid Dres of the Zokeskians.

d9T8ABch.jpg breaking formation

E2myHCBh.jpg braking burn




ba83in2h.png goodbye, duke of cambridge...

Kenberry, the pilot of the TDN brute, had already been told he had the smallest ship on the field; all he was worried about was it getting even smaller, but at least he knew it was stylish, more so than the monolithic zokeskian designs anyway. He also knew his orders, "The princes are top priority, they must be destroyed as soon as possible", his nerves tingled as he burnt ahead of the main formation, and said not a word over the intercom between then and making his braking burn. As he lined up to take a shot with the starboard broadside volley, his commander, ever helpful, grunted over the intercom "dont miss". He pulled the trigger, from 1.6km out, aimed dead on at the Prince William. He did not miss. The missiles shrieked through the black, closing at over 400m/s directly at the prince's engine block. He saw a huge explosion (I saw 3, each space 1 second apart... laaag), and the Prince William had been rent asunder. Kenberry had a sudden moment of anxeity realising what had done, though he was later ensured that the enemy crew capsule had survived the blast.

The brute fired no further ordinance; why bother kill a dead ship?


Edited by Sliinty
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That's a big fireball... Persephone's crew will be remembered.


By the way, Im having trouble with the link to the persist, I think it may be blocked where I am? It just instantly tells me "unable to access network" Do you have drop box?

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  Comrade Jenkens said:
(First move) Has that split in half left to right? :o No idea how that would happen. :S

(second move) Edit - Annnnnnd there goes my ship lol

I know right!

The kerberus (a Co-21D) still stands, but it's crew are understandably saying their prayers.

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  Sliinty said:
The KIDA fleet is now in position.

Just a couple of beauty shots:




2x RT Hardshell Turtle, TDN Guardian and TDN Oak

2x L-153 Scarab, TDN Ash and TDN Brute

2x Co-21D, TDN Kerberus and TDN Persephone

1x Chimera Class, TDN Hades

TDN Hades is carrying 3 fireflies, one of which has an extension pack. The fireflies sit already deployed, just behind Hades as shown in the second image.


Ill wager this is one of the largest fleet battles ever simulated in ksp.

awww, no x-5 :'(

oh well, working on some new stuff :)

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  BrightBritches said:
awww, no x-5 :'(

oh well, working on some new stuff :)

I may use an X-5 in combat with daeCorp Defence Technologies, depending on the engagement size. :)

If your ships can reach the engagement point legit, can you just cheat them there to save time?

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I would but for the fact that I have three ships to my name and have to use MechJeb 2 to even sneeze in KSP.

Matter of fact I am not sure how well my ships would do in real combat even after all the testing and submitting one to the Hanland. So sad...

But I enjoy watching you folks blow each other up. *Goes to get pop corn*

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  Valley said:
I would but for the fact that I have three ships to my name and have to use MechJeb 2 to even sneeze in KSP.

Matter of fact I am not sure how well my ships would do in real combat even after all the testing and submitting one to the Hanland. So sad...

But I enjoy watching you folks blow each other up. *Goes to get pop corn*

Make more ships!

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  Spartwo said:
My monies on KIDA for the current one.

Anyone up for a match?

I'm sure KIDA would happily have a Naval engagement. However we're currently fighting two at once so it will have to wait a bit. :(

Question from Brightbritches:

Quick question: for these battles to claim territory, do we need someone to design a standard station/base to officially "claim" our control following a battle?

A standard persist file with different factions stations would be cool :)

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