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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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In the ensuing firefight Skrillex was hit by a mini torpedo and its "long barrel" and forward fuel bay was severed clean off. Weapons were offline, and the ship had a bad list to the left. But her battle was not over. jettisoning the mangled port solar panel, the Lotus Resupply Base was able to send a tug to put a single Mk XXI torpedo on Skrillex. Then, even damaged and pulling farther to the right, she was able to rendezvous with the enemy fleet and fire off her weapon, obliterating the broadsword-3.


the Tekkan ship was ripped apart, and although the engine section survived it has no docking ports, solar panels, or liquid engines, and is now useless space junk.

Scratch-Two for Skrillex.




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wait a minute... why is the Skrillex also destroyed? You can only attack one ship per turn...

EDIT wait a munute... tis still alive.... the pod just separted. Weird :P what happened?

Wait you did attack it.... the solar panel's gone? explain please?

Edited by zekes
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rapid unplanned dissassembly it's caused by the reaction thrusters on the pod impacting with the nuclear engine remove them and the problem should be solved.I'll let you replace the last ship with one without this problem.happened on the thresher too(although after the image).

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rapid unplanned dissassembly it's caused by the reaction thrusters on the pod impacting with the nuclear engine remove them and the problem should be solved.I'll let you replace the last ship with one without this problem.happened on the thresher too(although after the image).

The Skrillex doesnt have RCS Thrusters....

EDIT wait it does....

EDIT EDIT it doesnt really matter Skrillex is still functional :P

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no its still useful... i can use it to fire the weapons from the ammo dump.

...I think you've lost this one. Ive got two ships, you've got one. Not much you can do, one of my ships will survive to kill your other ship.

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What are the rules specific to ground and sea engagements?

Since jet engines don't work on Eve and since boats are inefficient anyway I suggest allowing infinite fuel on boats as long as the boats contain a certain amount of fuel maybe per-engine.

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half a ship luckily it can rendeavous with the depot after a minimum burn of 30 minutes.

remember the depots are noncombat

a noncombat refuel/ rearm ship of any size that could not attack nor be attacked
which means a rendeavous is needed to attack.



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What are the rules specific to ground and sea engagements?

Since jet engines don't work on Eve and since boats are inefficient anyway I suggest allowing infinite fuel on boats as long as the boats contain a certain amount of fuel maybe per-engine.

No one's tried it yet, to my knowledge.

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No one's tried it yet, to my knowledge.

That's why I ask.

During the previous battle, a transport ship arrived on the opposite side of Eve and secretly dropped a warship onto Eve's ocean.

Meanwhile, what was left of the battle fleet rendezvoused with KS9 in high orbit, ready to defend the last outpost against the KIDA threat.

Edited by daemonCaptrix
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That's why I ask.

During the previous battle, a transport ship arrived on the opposite side of Eve and secretly dropped a warship onto Eve's ocean.

Meanwhile, what was left of the battle fleet rendezvoused with KS9 in high orbit, ready to defend the last outpost against the KIDA threat.

Didnt you lose eve to us? If so expect an I beam to be dropped from orbit on your boat...

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I think boats and ground craft would have to use what fuel they can carry. After all, if you can't get them to planet-side with enough fuel and/or ammo to function then you either should 1. find out how to do so by redesigning them or their method of landing or 2. not bother at all. Now Eve is a problem, to be honest, not like dropping a APC onto the Mun. Chutes may help a little - I have dropped floating stations on Eve but they were meant to stay in one place and not move about. To be honest, outside some of the moons, and maybe Kerbin, I don't see a lot of ground combat happening.

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I think boats and ground craft would have to use what fuel they can carry. After all, if you can't get them to planet-side with enough fuel and/or ammo to function then you either should 1. find out how to do so by redesigning them or their method of landing or 2. not bother at all. Now Eve is a problem, to be honest, not like dropping a APC onto the Mun. Chutes may help a little - I have dropped floating stations on Eve but they were meant to stay in one place and not move about. To be honest, outside some of the moons, and maybe Kerbin, I don't see a lot of ground combat happening.

It is impractical the way it is . That's why I suggested special rules.

If KIDA doesn't want to do the sea battle, I'll retract my move and go play in the Jool system.


In fact, I retract my stupid god mod move altogether. Gonna work on sending ships to Laythe for ocean combat.

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Well the thing is,

firstly we dont really have a decent repertoire of planetside units

secondly the circumstances for the battle seem odd, maybe in the future the attackers, if they get through orbital defenses can initiate a land/sea battle

thirdly, what I meant by the I beam remark; isnt it simpler for us to attack from orbit, drop something heavy on you and be done with it than drop something heavy on you but slow it down at the last moment, detach small pieces of it and send them going at you very quickly.

IMO For a planetside force to actually have an impact on an invasion, it should have surface-orbit weapons (not exactly easy on eve) which scare enemy ships off and prevent them from stationing civilian ships and operations on the world, forcing an engagement.

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IMO For a planetside force to actually have an impact on an invasion, it should have surface-orbit weapons (not exactly easy on eve) which scare enemy ships off and prevent them from stationing civilian ships and operations on the world, forcing an engagement.

True. In fact, early in the SpiritWolf/Hanland thread, I noticed a few mobile missile launchers that could send missiles into orbit. So it is possible we may see such weapons in the future.

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Plan C was this: Send the orbital Weapons Delivery tugs to the Skrillex. then use them as power.

It worked just as practiced over and over again in peacetime: The two probes docked with a weapon and took it all the way to the Skrillex. then the two side attachments were jettisoned and the broken ship made her way to broadsword-1. The damage was exactly the same as broadsword-3. Ship's core remained intact, but without docking ports she was unable to continue fighting. Third kill for Skrillex and victory was clearly Zokesia's. Ike was safe. And no pilot was hurt or killed.

Skrillex's pilot was awarded Ezekiel's Medal of Bravery for his courage and continued fight when his ship had taken several hits and was all alone against the enemy. He took out three fighters singlehandedly, and was carried through the streets of Ezekielgrad to a hero's welcome.

Finnis Tekkate.





I figure a persist is unnecessary right now.

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Hey, new guy here. I really like this thread, but I was curious to the full policies of the game...

I know hacking or save file modifying is allowed to get ships to where they need to be if they are "legitimately capable". Does this mean that we can hyper-edit our fleet directly to our destination? Is hyperediting allowed after the ships have reached the initial goal? Also, what constitutes "legitimately capable"? Does that mean that any given ship must have enough Dv to get to wherever I want to send it to?

Secondly, What's stopping someone from endlessly reinforcing their fleets? Are there any hypothetical resources to limit the production of ships?

Furthermore, how do I go about joining the game?

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