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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Hi guys, sorry about the delay, its been, er, interesting these last few days.

Anyway, I now have all 5 ships at Gilly but I haven't moved any support ships yet. I'm fine with bringing a fuel barge and an ammo ship but feel we should agree on a part count (500 ok?) or mass limit (100t or so?) for the ammo barge as well as clarify how and when you can use it. For example it would be unfair if you can continue attacking that turn once you have rearmed.

And regards going second, I predict that we are both going to be capable of destroying pretty much any target in a single attack so whoever goes first is going to have the last ship standing. We could run 2 fights in parallel and both go first. :P

I like that idea. Makes it very fair. What if it was

Battle 1: 1 fighter and 1 cruiser/destroyer

Battle 2: 2 fighters and 1 cruiser/destroyer

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Ah, ok, I meant use 2 separate persistence files and doing the whole fight twice but I'm happy to do it you're way as it will have a single final outcome.

ok cool. They can be at like two different altitudes around gilly, and if one person wins both, they win. if one person wins one and the other the second, it's a draw.

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Ok, I'll get some support ships moved this afternoon.

If the outcome is a draw then we will both have a ship left so we could do a decider and base the order on some arbitrary result from the fight, i.e. least damged or least shots fired etc gets to go first.

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Ok, Ive got all of my ships docked in two groups atm. I have a cruiser and fighter docked together and the remaining 5 are all docked in 1 cluster. I've left them like that to make setting up the fights easier (please don't shoot them yet!), are you going to hyperedit or do the burns? I can move them into formation now if it's easier.



and just cause it's pretty:


persistance file here (is this all you need? no ships files, right!?): http://www./?vjd5wxyxypy5hp4

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Ok, Ba'al and Czernobog vs Hornet and Sigrún. I targeted the fighter with one of my own and hit with 3 shots, the first shot disabled one probe missile, the second took out the armour on one side and the third shot disabled the engines, the fighter has 1 remaining shot and functioning rcs but is currently at escape velocity:







Unfortunatley, this happened the first time so I've had to do it twice:


file: http://www./?g8p8gpgdeqky3ct

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wow... i'm surprised that thing survived. Kudos to me! :D

taking turn soon, but i've got a lot of homework.

So I can attack both groups now right? cause i go first in one.

EDIT nevermind i see, let's do one battle at a time.

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I just knoticed I need to stake a claim

If everyone else is willing to accept I choose Minmus as Project Genesis's base of operations

Unfortunulty as of now I cant battle anyone (lack of expeance, using a mac, and just starting to build my company) so I am willing to send my ships to people for them to use.

I believe kerbin system is to remain neutral territory.

I hear Moho is sunny this time of year :P

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Crud. I have already a small fleet out out minmus. Plus I havent been to Moho yet. At least you replied. No one else has responded yet

If the OP says that all of Kerbin system is Neutral, I will attempt to send my fleet to Moho.

Edited by War Eagle 1
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None of this is really legit, thats not really the point, as far as I'm aware. I wouldnt put too much effort into hauling stuff out interplanetary ways for this tbh, hyperedit is fine :P

I hope you realise the moho thing was a joke... its less worth bothering with than dres! Unless you make some story up about solar power harvesting/observation...

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Right, 1 very dead drek. 5 volleys fired:

Shot 1 snapped the ship in half:


At this point I should have stopped shooting as the main core of the ship had been removed from the ammo and all the docking ports were destroyed. But, having not read the rules correctly I'd forgotten all about rule number 1 so I spent the remaining 3 missiles and a volley of rcs missiles disabling all remaining ammo (incidentally, this is also why I stopped firing on Ba'al with 5 missiles remaining; I wasn't confident that I could fully disable a drek with 1 fighter so I figured leaving you with a disabled fighter was the best way to go. The idea was that I didn't want to lose the initiative on the cruiser phase and you would have a hard time destroying all 4 1m missiles with just 2 shots leaving me to mop up):




With hindsight, I know I can snap a drek with a fighter so I should have done that, knocking off the docking ports after would have been easy. Oh well, always next time.

Anyway, I haven't bothered to reload (I spotted another mistake, I forgot to put docking ports on the spare 1m missiles, I cant be bothered to replace the pig atm as its game over) but if you somehow miss twice I will be firing a probe from the pig directly and pretending I'm not so forgetful :P.

Feel free to start round 2 also, I'm undocked and ready.

persist: http://www./?tumy8uj5r2x6glj

P.S. I seem to be developing a bit of a dislike of probes, 35 active flights and were not even half way!:


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