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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Concerning the lack of rules, the suggestion about timed turns I've linked to a few pages ago may help a fair bit. Some additional rules would still be needed (like when is a ship considered dead) but it would greatly reduce the overall number of them.

Here it is. Feel free to comment about it.

As a bonus, here are a few more ideas. Some could only work with my timed-turns system though.

- An unmanned ship (including smart missiles) can be controlled only if there is a friendly crewed ship less than [distance to be decided] away.

- A ship with no more propulsion, weaponry nor means to be refitted back in combat shape is considered out of commission.

- A player automatically loses when he/she has no more controllable ships. One can also surrender or flee the system to avoid complete obliteration.

- Conditions of victory / defeat can be different for each player and more varied than just pure annihilation. For example one can have to protect a mining ship for a given time on the ground and then protect it as it escapes the system, while the other player will have to destroy it before it escapes the SOI.

- Civilian / support unarmed ships (designated as such before the battle) can only be attacked if there is no friendly ship in combat shape in a X meters radius around it.

Once more, feedback is appreciated. I'm also currently thinking about a boarding rule set. Boarding is so fun it's a "must have". And if some of you are willing to do a test battle to judge the rules in action, I couldn't be happier.

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Nemesis vs zekes destroyer vs Salvation

vs Bayonet-V03-XL.

The rule concrning if a ship is dead is that only the 'core' of the ship can be used in combat for the bayonet that would be the ASAS unit to which systems are attached.I did add that all ships must be movement capable.

Battles for territories ALWAYS have to happen at said territory.

Freindly games do exist they are for fighting anyone whenever and wherever.

I did not include bragging rights good idea Daemon.

All craft have to be stock it was in the title before the thread was moved(It's to allow persistant compatibility)

This threads initial aim was reverse engineering,Sharing of design quirks and tricks(A spacecraft exchange)

Xeo not a bad rule change but it might over complicate things.As well as rendeavouing.

Edited by Spartwo
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@ Zekes, yeah lets call this one off. we can always return to it later... Its not bringing out the best in us.

@everyone else; I think the next few fights should be about experimenting with rules more than anything. Essentially we all try out each others rule ideas and see what works. Keep it friendly for the time being so no bragging rights (It will also be a great time for new players to get involved) as things are going to unbalanced for a while.

I'm happy to take someone on using either their rule set or someone else's. We don't need to stick to a chronological order for the fights, If a rule doesn't work as intended we can change it and go back a save.

Anyway, I'm away for a few days so I'll catch up later. o/

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Here is another idea I had.

I know the rules state extra ships cant be brought in once the battle has started. In real life however ships will enter the battle if needed. So how can that be implemented while still following the rules.

Well, what if we make it so that a person follows the rules of the agreed amount of ships, but can bring one in later.

Here is a hypothetical situation

Me and Spartwo are fighting in the Jool system. The rule is 4 ships each. He has his 4 ships but I have 3 in the SOI but have another ship around another moon. When I so choose to, I bring in the fourth ship in an attempt to turn the tide of battle. The ships was always there, just at a different SOI (or high altitude if not at Jool), and out of range of the other ships but not involved in the battle until needed.

This rule could add the element of surprise to the game and also allow people who wish to make a debut of a new ship an awesome way to do it.

To make it more reasonable

in free battle both sides can only do it once with a single ship

in system conquest, only the defender can choose this option.

Edited by War Eagle 1
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The above change doesn't seem too necessary at this time... ive always thought, however, that the firing rules are too mechanical so to speak. While I proposed a rule of shooting any and all targets, but with a limited percentage of your ships mass in weapons, I suggest something less drastic:

-after you finish firing weapons, you have 5s MET to maneuver before the save must be handed over

-at the start of the turn, if any enemy ship is below 750m from any of your ships, you may shoot at it with the closest ship on top of your normal move

-ALL ships MUST be within 1km of a friendly ship, ships within 200m of the "active ship" at the start of a turn get to maneuver (but not fire) on top of what would normally be allowed, so long as at the end of the turn they are still within 200m.

These rules may sound crazy but could help bring in a strategic element, by making formations important.

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Xeo, I have an idea for boarding.

In order to keep it fair, I would propose that there be some math involving a boarding maneuver (I don't have exact numbers), here are some suggestions (feel free to disregard these if you dislike them)

- It should require different numbers of kerbals to board for each docking port, as it is harder to board a ship when the entry is a killzone (jr docking port) than when the entry is nice and large, permitting room to maneuver (sr docking port). I don't know what would be considered fair, but I think boarders should lose more than the guys in the ship (they know the ship).

- small craft such as fighters can't be boarded unless crippled, and then the pilot is considered a P.O.W.

- civilian ships are captured instantly without resistance.

- unmanned craft can be boarded if they contain passengers, but leaves the ship operational.

- small craft without pilots (in a hangar) can be stolen.

- boarding takes an entire turn, so you can't take over 5 ships per turn.

Those are my suggestions so far, if you like them I could think of some more.

Edited by killer2447
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@ Zekes : thanks good sir. Would you be interested to do a test battle against me anytime soon ? Not this week though, I'm so damn busy this week.

@ killer2447 : interesting ideas. I'll keep them in mind for when I find some time to figure out a proper rule set. I have to say that trying to find proper rules for this meta-game is an interesting exercise for a wannabe game designer like me.

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I'm working on a new battlecruiser atm:


I'd like to test it out. She's 190 tons and 840 parts. Would anyone be up for a 1v1? Perhaps change the rules so that you're only allowed 1 hit per turn, make it last longer.

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I'm working on a new battlecruiser atm:


I'd like to test it out. She's 190 tons and 840 parts. Would anyone be up for a 1v1? Perhaps change the rules so that you're only allowed 1 hit per turn, make it last longer.

I'll take you on with one fighter

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Now that I have found out learned the rules of trade and what not. Im ready for a battle

Free match

Im thinking 3 or 4 ships only (no fighters). Each 400 parts or less but not picky on class types

can be hyper edited to orbit.

this is just to get experience.

Edited by War Eagle 1
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