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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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I took down one of those ships in a single shot from 200M.

...Are you sure you killed it or did you just tear a peice off? the E-Class is designed to take shots and lose peices while staying afloat and in fighting condition...

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If they tore a piece off, they didn't kill it...they just really pissed it off.

Literally I have fired 50+ missiles at it, sometimes in salvos, and i've only been able to fully "kill" it once.

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If they tore a piece off, they didn't kill it...they just really pissed it off.

I shot it once, it fell apart, I went to the space center, I cycled through the probe and ship cores, and they were inoperable, why is this so hard for you to believe?

I shot it and it died.

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me, and i will release the download when there is several proofs/photos of some one killing one...


Attempt 1 Sickle

-Not able

Attempt 2 Cutlass

-Not able

Attempt 3 Broadsword

-Destroyed a nacelle no more (will try second time)

Attempt 4 Longsword

-Same as Broadsword (will try second time)

Attempt 5 Javelin




Attempt 6 Bayonet




Now gimme them tasty files.

Edited by Spartwo
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Have you even used the E-Class in battle?

I don't know if he's ever needed to use it in battle.

I just finished my Vindicator-Class, and I finished my challenge too. My challenge was to make the Vindicator-Class in under 500 parts. I made 2 slightly different versions. The normal is 493, and the one I've nicknamed the Top Cover is 497.

P.S. I will not be able to battle yet, as its armor, along with its weapons capability, have not been completely tested (the armor hasn't been tested yet, but the weapons capability has been somewhat tested). However, Zekes believes that the Vindicator-Class will make a formidable opponent against the E-Class.

Edited by FallingIntoBlack
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Nice job Spartwo. I assume it was two missiles to kill it, one to tear off the nacelles, leaving the inside unprotected :P still a pretty strong ship, eh?

This version has tanks on the sides to give it 3000m/s D/V. they come off during combat.


...but Spartwo's test proves it to be basically immune to small arms. and THAT in itself is amazing feat in KSP. Makes it safe from enemy fighters.

Edited by zekes
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Ladys and Gentlemen, I believe I have the answer to all you worries

I present the Rapture Class Dreadnought

She weights 215 tons and has less than 400 parts

Her weapons are 10 srb missiles (fired in sets of 2) and one mainsail missiles (i call her the Judgement cannon)

I tested her against an e-class at 400 meters

She can killer the e-class with her Judgement cannon or a single salvo of SRB missiles

Picks will come later to prove my statement

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...you do realize that ship is 4 times as big as an E-Class. Which could probably kill the Rapture.

I love how you and FallingIntoBlack are both building 200+ ton ships, as a direct result of my E-Class (85 tons). :D dat logic.

Edited by zekes
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...you do realize that ship is 4 times as big as an E-Class. Which could probably kill the Judgment.

I decided that sense this ship is far supperior to the Judgement class battle ship I made im just going to scrap the Judgement and use this

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well I guess its two different battle tactics, offense verses defense

Well, i know my HV shots are pretty potent, and my Pocket Missiles can get through most armor at long range.

And then, i still have the Inflexible


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to which I havent seen you use in a long time

yeah, armor's too thin. but the missiles go interplanetarry.

Also @dameoncaprix i did to a "test" battle once. one 85 ton E-Class killed two 75 ton destroyers.

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