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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Not everything. You still need a Main Command Module to start with. and its gona take a lot of parts to create a transformer lol. So you are gona go over on part count if your not careful.

Wrong thread? I already built a transforming carrier, but it was too many parts and lagged to death when I tried to make it transform.

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restocking is fine. But he was forced to use the same ship because they all got killed. I have no problem with that. As for his ships not being able to retaliate he would have to shoot at me at the same time I shot at him because I only make a pass at his ships at no more than 2km then launch by the time my missile gets to him I'm 4-5km away without changing my speed. There is one drawback with missiles though, in order to get the accuracy to hit you can't be going over 300kps reducing the damage your missile can do. Every once in a while you can risk it but if you miss at that speed your missile will not have enough delta V to make another pass and you miss.

I can make it with the Newcastle... i just need the download please :P and ya know i just siphon fuel from the tanks to the engine... i can make it.

And i tested it before... there is enough RCS to do it, i just tested it it works.

also i don't need fuel to rendezvouses, just enough to get on trajectory and careen past your ship, while maneuvering the missile to hit it.

Edited by zekes
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When daecorp ships arrived in orbit all that were stationed to minmus were three destroyers set tune transfer to evewithin the week and a carrier overseeing a broadsword mk6 test.

Turn 1

The most dangerous target was the STO Matilda tank.hovering while inside optimum range caused a pushing blow knocking over the already unstable Matilda.


shot 2 was to no effect.

shot three beheaded the ship,shortly after that delta returned to orbit for no. Reason whatsoever.


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If you swap out those nukes for 909s it will be less top heavy and I think the missiles will be more effective.

Didn't wareagle do the same thing not long ago?

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