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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Something which I would like to see somebody make (which I may try sometime in the future) is a ship built in sections so each section conects to the other sections at 2 or more points. Essentially, a ship which won't fall apart if it gets shot once.

To clarify this idea, the ship would be built in docked together sections (though the entire ship could be launched in one launch and then the parts undocked and re-docked in orbit to allow them to attach to all the docking ports they need to be attached to instead of just attaching to one port) with each section attached to at least 2 other sections. This would have to be done in such a way that if any one section was removed from the ship, the rest of the ship would still hold together.

If you need more clarification, I will be happy to explain the idea more.

Edited by Noname117
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It isn't the modular design I want to emphasize, it is more the multiple attachment points which I want to illustrate. A modular ship may still contain weak spots, while if you build a modular ship the way I described, then your ship would probably only be damaged from a large shop instead of separating into a massive spray of pieces.

EDIT: I want to clarify to make sure you two are referring to what I think you are instead of just simply a ship docked together in orbit using normal construction practices (I think you are, BTW). An example should see if all of us are on the same page. Think of an IRL battleship, and a replica built in KSP. the armor on the sides of the KSP battleship is attached at one point to the main structure. Now let's remove an armor plate on the side of that battleship. All armor attached to that piece breaks off. On the real battlehsip, that armor is also attached to the keel and the deck, which is attached to the armor on the other side, so if the same area of armor vanishes as on the KSP battleship, the rest of the armor stays attached. I want to create this effect in KSP, where everything is attached to everything else.

Also, assuming this has been done, was it successful?

Edited by Noname117
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All ships built in ksp have a tree structure to the attachment points, if you take out the parent part then all attached parts will fall off too. I don't think it is possible to create closed loops currently.

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unless you make the ships modular; multiple docked docking ports can be done. I want to exploit that function to remove the tree structure which makes the ships so weak.

Edited by Noname117
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It could work, I remember seeing on the wiki that you can use this same technique to stiffen structural connections (i.e. command pod to booster), the only issue is that you would have to craft each part perfectly and get all ports to dock, making this method of armoring a ship highly impractical, time wise.

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Just strangers here now. :P Except fleet and spartwo of course.

Fleet if you're using my ships can you post screenies so I can see how effective they are? :) It will be useful data gathering for future design work.

everything is dying

I've noticed the whole forum has got quieter over the last couple of months (bar update days). :( No idea why as the game is still gaining popularity.

Edited by Comrade Jenkens
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New players(post-steam as they just see it appear) aren't the kind to really get into the game and so the community.Meanwhile older players are getting bored of the game.

yeah, sadly that's true. I should play it more, but War Thunder is so fun i just don't have time for KSP :(

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I wish I could be with you old timers right now if I had actually bought the game when I first looked a it (Atleast 1 year ago maybe 2). I think I got ksp a few weeks after the steam release. I hope that some big youtubers pick the game up so we can get some new peeps. So it seems no one is interested in a battle :(.I also decided to call my frigate the granite class frigate.


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At no name in my blog there a ship calle modular armor I think that what your talking about

Indeed, that is the general concept, except applied to a ship, and using more of a skeletal design with a thin layer of armor attached.

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