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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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I was wondering if you guys could help me test the new Mk2 Murderer, Initial tests have proved promising but additional data is always appreciated.

Volley of 2 and then volleys of 4 after that:

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I've lowered the part count to about 365ish and moved all the pods further from the seed part to make targeting harder. More fuel has been added and 2 girder rockets have been removed.

Persist: https://www./?p7gpwvbad3d9nzf

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Hello! it's been pretty dead recently. panfish, Spearka and Corgi (have you got a fleet yet?) were all talking about a match a couple of days ago but haven't agreed to anything yet.

This thread is in need of a scrap or two atm, are you (or anyone else for that matter?) up for a 5v5?

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Remember how the Drek's main part was that little pod in the back? It was easy to destroy. I replaced it with a Girder beam, which means it will be much harder to kill, and added a third Nuclear engine.

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