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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Alrighty, I've been invited to this peaceful little club (Very[\I] peaceful) and I have an Itch i've been waiting to scratch since I found out the KSP multiplayer method. So who is up for a 1v1 match with a noob in LKO?

I'm ready! Just one ship is kinda boring but I'm up to battle just one ship if that's what you want!

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Did you figure out how to get it running properly? A few of us tried but couldn't get a server working.

If you're talking to me, no, I meant the method used to do multiplayer with switching of craft files. using the multiplayer mod would be awesome, though.

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I did tests a while ago both were equal mass.The tests concluded rams make a significant difference up to 500m(further if TWR is lower)

The best warheads are radial detachment points,they have the highest impact tolerence.

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Hint on warheads: The equation of kinetic energy goes as E=0.5*m*v^2. So proportional to mass and to the square of velocity. So yeah, for a given terminal speed, mass is important. But speed is more important, 'cause x2 the speed 2^2=x4 the hurt. So as long as you don't get into phasing issues, just hit as fast as you can with the hardest part you can. Once you hit the phasing limit, the only way to increase the bang is increasing the mass maintaining T/W.

The usefulness of rams can be through adding mass (but that would lower T/W, and ultimately the impact speed and therefore the energy imparted on the target), or they can much more efectively just be hardening of the tip of the missile. See, when two parts collide with enough speed to break them, only one does, and that calculation (I think) is based on hardness. It's a bit more murky than the mass/velocity issue, but the results are clear: hard parts are better at blowing stuff up. So yeah, rams.

Rune. It's awesome that the kinetic energy argument actually works in a computer game. Science FTW!

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Hint on warheads: The equation of kinetic energy goes as E=0.5*m*v^2. So proportional to mass and to the square of velocity. So yeah, for a given terminal speed, mass is important. But speed is more important, 'cause x2 the speed 2^2=x4 the hurt. So as long as you don't get into phasing issues, just hit as fast as you can with the hardest part you can. Once you hit the phasing limit, the only way to increase the bang is increasing the mass maintaining T/W.

The usefulness of rams can be through adding mass (but that would lower T/W, and ultimately the impact speed and therefore the energy imparted on the target), or they can much more efectively just be hardening of the tip of the missile. See, when two parts collide with enough speed to break them, only one does, and that calculation (I think) is based on hardness. It's a bit more murky than the mass/velocity issue, but the results are clear: hard parts are better at blowing stuff up. So yeah, rams.

Rune. It's awesome that the kinetic energy argument actually works in a computer game. Science FTW!

I have a missile with a girder lance on the end of it that can kill just about anything it hits.

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I was wondering if you guys could help me test the new Mk2 Murderer, Initial tests have proved promising but additional data is always appreciated.

Volley of 2 and then volleys of 4 after that:

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I've lowered the part count to about 365ish and moved all the pods further from the seed part to make targeting harder. More fuel has been added and 2 girder rockets have been removed.

Persist: https://www./?p7gpwvbad3d9nzf

ok then, shoot this

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The thing is that phasing issues are very, very easy to cause. Also, increasing the weight causes the missile to hit harder if you're close enough to the target, so determining the exact ratio of distance to weight could make missiles much more effective.

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