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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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It's fixed now I just need to check the mods.Can we just use this one my computer isn't in the mood for 400+ parts(it's the one with fighters).


And anyway I would have 4 ships each holding 2-3 missiles which tear through the Drek and are able to come back around.

ok, sure we can do fighters. I assume i go first, as you are giving me persist?

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Sense Solace 2 was closest to a target, Captain Dunsel Kerman engaged DCSV Khopesh

Total Shots fired:2


Needless to say, the results were far more devastating than expected

Cpt. Dunsel looks pleased though


After the battle Project Genesis will dispatch a Glory Class Carrier to return the crew back to their rightful company

(which BTW who are you representing)


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Sorry double post but Battle of Pol has started.

Parabolica Uno Picked up some siganls shadowing the Pol Group. Death Mamba went in to investigate. Found a small Tekkan battle group, and given a green light to engage, took out one of the enemy's light drones.


Scratch One.


She then swiched to low Pol orbit to hopefully distract the battle group while the rest of the Zokesian fleet was arriving.



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They were just supposed to be green and brown like my flag. It just turned out that way.

I'm just lazy about DL links. What ship do you want?

IDK yet. I havent even got an idea of what to do with it yet

You made the Custodian battle ship though didnt you?

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Well not necessarily. The mass driver cannons on it were an interesting Idea but not very practical (it may be way ahead of your or anyones tech abilities)

So I was thinking, replace the mass cannon with two heavy Judgement Cannons (one on each side) and a few missiles on the front.

It would take a few adjustments but it could be done

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