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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club(Attention moderators)


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Yes i do Dameon. add your ships, I'll get mine ready.

Sorry. Was having technical difficulties with a new design. Setting up now.


Battle will take place in the large crater in Kerbin's Western ocean. Ships can go anywhere within the ring of land, but not outside or on land.

Fleets can be no more than five ships, with a maximum combined displacement of 300t.

Zekes wins. He always wins. :P


This is taking a little longer than expected. Ocean ships have to come to a complete stop in order to save.

To easily find Hyper Edit coordinates use http://www.kerbalmaps.com/


The daeCorp fleet arrives in position.




Edited by daemonCaptrix
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Ok, I would like to play (As I've engaged in some battles with friends in 0.21). Some questions.

- Are you allowed to purposely make debris clouds to utilize the Kessler Syndrome to block off entire planets/moons? (I did this to Pol, by spraying a bunch of decouples, probe cores, and tiny tanks to prevent the enemy from reaching his methane refinery)

- Are you allowed to attack enemy facilities, such as bases/colonies?

- Are missiles allowed (My main way of attack)

- Is boarding allowed?

- Are you permitted to purposely ram and disable a enemy craft (I specially design my craft for high speed impacts. This has won me a lot of battles)

Just asking.

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Ok, I would like to play (As I've engaged in some battles with friends in 0.21). Some questions.

- Are you allowed to purposely make debris clouds to utilize the Kessler Syndrome to block off entire planets/moons? (I did this to Pol, by spraying a bunch of decouples, probe cores, and tiny tanks to prevent the enemy from reaching his methane refinery)

- Are you allowed to attack enemy facilities, such as bases/colonies?

- Are missiles allowed (My main way of attack)

- Is boarding allowed?

- Are you permitted to purposely ram and disable a enemy craft (I specially design my craft for high speed impacts. This has won me a lot of battles)

Just asking.

Most people play with debres off so it wouldn't help anyway

Yes missiles are alowed

No ramming

Everything else ask Spartwo

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- Are you allowed to attack enemy facilities, such as bases/colonies?

- Is boarding allowed?

- Are you permitted to purposely ram and disable a enemy craft (I specially design my craft for high speed impacts. This has won me a lot of battles)

Answering all others.

-Those don't exist(If they were to yes but it's kinda unnecessary as they are non-combat and that is not the point of the thread)


-If you both agree it's okay yes otherwise no.

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Ok posing a different subject

I may want to battle some soon. Im thinking I can on Sunday. Anyone up for a battle?

Also as a new conversation topic.

What is your best battle?


Mine was the Battle of Pol vs Spartwo

4 Bayonets MKIII vs 3 Salvation MKI and one Archangel prototype

I may have lost the battle but I think I proved that I can contend with the top dogs

Great battle Spartwo

The first battle on this thread.

2 Constantine & Inflexible total:230ish mass VS 2 Broadsword Mk1 & Bayonet Mk1(at the time called skysweeper)total:80mass

Hugely outgunned but still able to pull out a close loss.


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nope.On an other note Sabre has gone sub-orbital,Got an AP of 67.Try it out http://www./download/ve3jv2rlxescgxg/Sabre.craft





I found out I make hideous VTOLs.It handles beautifully though(landed on the helipad running at 10fps without a joystick)


Bayonet mk4 is going well.Slight D/V reduction,part increase to 225,Improved armour & armourment.


*Watches them fight over unnamed fighter*(Yes that does mean I'm giving it away but only to one company)



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Ya I cant bring myself to build any more VTOL for a while after the Nosferatu and the Ulfbarht. I made a rocket powered one that can carry 8 tons in Duna gravity but have yet to make a bigger one due to part count. Large colony projects are just to difficult to manage with a 700+ part count.

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I should be back around no later than 1:00pm central time but I ll give you a notice if it will be later.

Before we decide on tonnage and ships, how many battles have you done?

I have three

(1 win two loss)

Edited by War Eagle 1
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here none i have 6 small battles with some friends three ships max and nothing larger than 100 tons, all stock from launch to orbit and a lot of on to one ship tests, mostly testing armor strength and weapons. Most of those were not with my own ships as i tend to test my ships my self against my own weapons and craft I acquire from the forum.

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here none i have 6 small battles with some friends three ships max and nothing larger than 100 tons, all stock from launch to orbit and a lot of on to one ship tests, mostly testing armor strength and weapons. Most of those were not with my own ships as i tend to test my ships my self against my own weapons and craft I acquire from the forum.

ok well then I would go first so you decide on tonnage, rules, and place

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